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Hia peeps im tryin to set up a network hopfully theres a pic below to show what im after the server pc is a xp home which im going to bridge 2 8mg connections on the switcher will come off the server and supply all outer pc and a wi/fi router the admin pc has to control a lan based program all pc are using xp home /pro any help or info will be realy appricated thank youuu

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Alright.. Lets start with the basics..

Windows XP is not a server OS.  If you expect to use XP then don't even try this project.  Since that is going to be your firewall/router it is going to be the face of your network.  The last time I checked every 2 weeks 10+ patches were released to fix issues.  The last thing you want to use is an XP box.  So what are your choices.. I would start with Linux or at least 2003 Server.  If you don't have $600 to drop on Server 2003 don't worry..

I would highly recommend Smoothwall Express.  A new version was just launched and if the older 2.0 version is an sign of the times, there is going to be tons of extras.  I am going to have to check but I think there is a way to have it do dual WAN interfaces. 

Second, the entire idea of running dual modems.  You realized that if you don't drop about $2,000 you are not going to get 16mbps right?  Most of the products, including the Linux bases solutions, are going to Load balance the connections not bond them.  So you will have dual 8mbps connections that you could carve up between the hosts.  In fact most of the sub $1,000 dual WAN routers only provide fail over.. So if one connection goes down the other one will come up.

So back to your questions.. is it possible.. YES!  But you need to specify what you want the network do to..  Do you want 16mbps to the switch?  Are you running additional servers behind the firewall?  For something like this DLink and Linksys on the bestbuy shelves are not going to work.

Hia sorry im not too clear but great work thanks

yes im trying to get 16mg to the switch

the two lines are cable

8mg down and 1mg up

8mg down and 2mg up

i want to bond these together to get

16mg down and 3mg up

the switch is a d-link 10/100 24port

the wi fi router is a d-link air g 54mps

and all the pcs are running windows xp with a lan based program that isn

The answer is still no.. The main reason for this is that unless you have leased lines, like T-1, there is really no way to bond them into a super line.  Even if you did have dual T-1 lines and you dropped a ton of money on a router that could do link aggregation, browsing and downloading off of the internet isn't going to be at 16mbps.  It would only be as fast as the link that you are put onto when the TCP call goes out. 

ok lastnight we had a bit of fun attempting to "Team" the connections together we sucsessfully did it under windows xp with a speed result of 14mg we also hit quite alot over that but took it as in accruate reading

how did we do it

we stole 3 nic's out of outher pcs about

downloaded a program called Midpoint V 5.04

programed the conection to act as one team

tested the conecction and whoo 16mg steady at 14

we also tested the browsing capabilaty using MyVitalAgent also steady at 14mg

so we know its possible but as you said before xp proberbly isnt the best os to do this from server2003 or + mabe a router that will do the whole load balancing thing but for the time being and the fact it hasent cost over a

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