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(scary) Before you consider Verizon Broadband of any type READ THIS!

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Hopefully he feals alot better after venting is anger from multiple cases of customer disrepect, misleading info, and unfair business.  It does remind me of this:

Technically, the FCC defines broadband as 200Kbps. I am not sure when this number was first introduced but I don


while i started reading the site "You Can't Always Get What You Want" by the rolling stones started playing on pandora.

:2funny: That could only happen in your world Reso.  :wink:

Well i currently have Verizon, so far i havent had any problems.(knock on wood). Im also considering of getin another plan or service. My blackberry is costing me to much, hell even with my employee discount. Is T-Mobile any good? Ive heard alot of negitive stuff

I had my home phone number put on a cell phone 4 or 5 years ago after having my phone suspended to use up credit I was given from Verizon. It took almost 18 months to use the credit up all because Verizon wouldn't repair my line about 3 poles down the road. I was even told by the service dispatcher that they had checked and tightened the connections on the pole in front of me. I put a ladder up and took the plastic cover off to find cob webs, so I was lied to. I then strung a new line in because they kept insisting it was beyond the interface. I tried to call directly from the interface and no good even after the new line.

But for any that have Verizon, good for you, I'm happy with my phone service now and I can take my home phone with me.  :smiley:

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