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Hey guys i have a Zune and a IPOD .... and i was wondering is there a way to swap the music that i have bought from ITunes to Zune and they will play and from Zune to Ipod ?...this DRM crap sucks ass know wounder people don't do thing legally and i think Zune will only let you restore you library 4 times before you have to re buy them ... just want one good music player that is all around ...Ipod has a new 160 gig out  :idiot2:  any insight would be great


out tstillery

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the only way would be is if you bought the DRM free music on iTunes.

well that really blows ... so the music i buy is not really mine?  is there a DRM remover ?..lol

Welcome back tstillery, how you been?

not to bad still taking it day by day ...been trying to post some pics but it wont let me to slow for that but i think i have some pretty good ones ...i should be home in Jan for R&R so i can try it then ...i got some bad ones to if you all want to see them?


out tstillery

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well that really blows ... so the music i buy is not really mine?   is there a DRM remover ?..lol

i got some bad ones to if you all want to see them?


out tstillery

Yes there is, but since its illegal i'm not going to talk about.  :haha: we don't want ya getting court marshaled now...

ill see those. how bad are they on a scale on 1 to 10. 

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Yes there is, but since its illegal i'm not going to talk about.  :haha: we don't want ya getting court marshaled now...

ill see those. how bad are they on a scale on 1 to 10. 

ok i understand Google is my friend  :uglystupid2:

well on my scale only about a 7 ...dead guys ..sheep getting it head cut  just some of  everyday stuff nothing out of the ordinary


out tstillery

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