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I've had this problem with this router since day one.

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Modem Serial Number


Cable Modem MAC Address


Hardware Version


Software Version


Receive Power Level

1.8 dBmV

Transmit Power Level

39.0 dBmV

Cable Modem Status


Downstream Status


Channel ID


Downstream Frequency

591000000 Hz



Bit Rate

15376384 bits/sec

Power Level

1.6 dBmV

Signal to Noise Ratio

34.8 dB

Upstream Status


Channel ID


Upstream Frequency

24208000 Hz



Bit Rate

1024000 bits/sec

Power Level

39.0 dBmV

Cable Modem Status


Cable Modem IP Addess


Current Time

Sun Nov 18 16:59:18 2007

Time Since Last Reset

0 days 15h:12m:26s

Configuration File


Cable Modem Certificate


Connected to  MAC Address  IP Address

Ethernet 00:**:**:55:5F:E0 66.67.***.95

Hidden everything I've learned not to post on testmy.net

As of the AVG Antivirus, one at a time, learned that a while ago.

Downgrading is not an option, currently I do not have a 'legit' copy of XP.

Thank you all for the great help you've been able to give me.

Disconnecting the router is not possible, I've tried and the computer will not

recognize the cable modem without, tried everything I possibly could to get it configured.

If you have any other ideas, please be my guest.

Again thanks for the support you are offering.


All of the levels and SNR looks good.

I forgot that the SA modem shows your I.P.'s, good catch on hiding them.

And it does not appear that you are running IPv6; that slowed me down.

Maybe your node is congested, but there is really no way for you to tell.

Are you experiencing any packet loss?

And also, are all of your links set to 100baseT?

Double check your NIC card setting on your PC and your WAN port setting on your router.

If any one link in the path is running at 10baseT, then you will never get over ~ 7-8mbps.

Always 100T-Base on both On-Board NIC and Router.

Currently IPv6 is not provided with Roadrunner.

but haven't checked this in about 3 months.

I'll go get into a roadrunner tech chat, and ask again.

As for packet loss, absolutely none.

From all the data I've tried to run.

I'm going to ping myspace.com

as thats the website thats giving me almost complete hell

1 min...

0% loss, 98Ms ping

My IP has changed from a 24. starting to a 66.

And it's been ever sense that, could it be because I was moved to a different server?

Sorry, just trying to piece things together, I'll go check that RR chat tho.

My IP has changed from a 24. starting to a 66.

And it's been ever sense that, could it be because I was moved to a different server?

Sorry, just trying to piece things together, I'll go check that RR chat tho.

It is possible they have moved your node to a new interface, but IP address does not mean that has happened.

You could change your MAC on your router, for example, and it will give you a new IP address, possibly even with a new prefix, but still from the same CMTS.

By the way, IPv6 will only slow you down (most likely) if you enable it.

I forgot that I had enabled it while reading some of jeffwalker's posts and then for the longest time I could not figure out where my dl speeds went.

After the damn light bulb went off on my head and I realized what I had done, I uninstalled it and I am now back to normal.

Changed a few things within the routers config,changed to only allow this computer, as it is wireless. Alongside that I disabled wireless. Disabled the DHCP server from the router to my computer.

This connection problem really does, suck.


So I've found the culprit, I removed one of the end protectors from my 30' Ethernet cord that runs from where my old pc use to be, and there was a gash, I had never see it before but I've repaired it temporallay until I can buy a newer, I was going to see if I could move my cable modem so that I could erase the gashed ethernet cord, but it's 10:47EST, and I have school tomorrow. Looks like tomorrow I'll be buying a new 30' ethernet cord.

Hopefully it'll hold until then, that was a waste of time.


Thank you all who've helped thus far.


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