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I forgot to mention WildBlue has 300,000+ customer since late 2005 compared to 455,000+ for Hughes in how many years.  Not bad for start up company in three and half years.  They are far from perfect but considering they are taking on a giant like Hughes, not to bad.

Actually the 300,00+ WildBlue customers is now up to 400,000.  I made the mistake of taking the number off of that poorly misguiding site.

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Whats your upload speed...? your paying for 200k up on the select pack.

WB has what one sat in the sky, and service how many compared to Hughes? I think this makes a fair comparison:


I just love how you post a "source" that has HughesNet stamped all over it, also it says "An authorized HughesNet reseller".  That's what you call a "fair" comparison?!

Just SOME of the misinformation it list:

1) WildBlue has just recently went OVER 400,000 installations.

2) WildBlue has 3 satellites, and it uses spot-beam technology, instead of using individual satellites for each "portion" of the world.

3) There is no "Limitation on number of computers connected to system" that I'm aware of.

4) That bias site conveniently skips on WildBlue's special offers.  $99 standard installation

5) Wildblue does have extra plans available.  They are called Enterprise accounts.

6) Their take on WB's FAP

WildBlue's Fair Access Policy (FAP) is based on a rolling 30 day limit on data usage per customer called a usage threshold. If you exceed the FAP threshold, your bandwidth (speed) will be reduced for the remainder of the 30 day period when your system quota refreshes and you are again within your limits. During this period, your bandwidth will be reduced to 28Kbps until your system refreshes.

You are not reduced for the "remainder" of the 30 days.   It make take 3 days, it may take 2 weeks, depending on your usage from the 30 days before.  Therefore, you can download over 300MB a day if you wish, and then cut down some.  You are reduced to 128Kbps, perhaps they forgot the "1" -- but I think not.


You can DEFINATELY tell the members on here that are members of the Wildblue Forums.    OOOHHH wildblue never does any wrong.

WildBlue has problems just like all ISP's and I would jump for EVDO in a minute if I could get it.  I will give WB credit for starting up a forum where they are helping people which the other company does not do and they employee real people in this country which speak English I can understand.  They are far from perfect but trying and I would suggest anyone that has WildBlue problems go there for help.  This is a excellent forum which I joined in 2005 and provides a excellent service but some members are a bit misguided sometimes.

Someone needs to debunk all this misguided information instead of following it.  

I suppose the BBB report for WildBlue is also incorrect.......the customer service is actually great they just don't answer the bureau?

As bad as hughesnet is with customer service this WB has got Hughes beat on this story http://www.techreviewcentral.com/?p=55

If WB had such great speed and customer service.......good chance Hughes would have been under by now.

Wildblue now has three satellites for user service.

The ownership of the three is.

AnikF2. Owned by Telesat.

WildBlue1. Owned by Wildblue(as advertised at some point), but Telesat does own 20%of WildBlue.

Echostar. Providing some spot beams for WildBlue in full areas.


Newest Satellite Allows WildBlue to Serve More Customers in Rural Areas of the U.S.

Denver, CO

I suppose the BBB report for WildBlue is also incorrect.......the customer service is actually great they just don't answer the bureau?

As bad as hughesnet is with customer service this WB has got Hughes beat on this story http://www.techreviewcentral.com/?p=55

If WB had such great speed and customer service.......good chance Hughes would have been under by now.

Probably shouldn't use the BBB as your personal army against companies.  Please.

Probably shouldn't use the BBB as your personal army against companies.  Please.

Looks like one shouldn't use it to check out a business either especially WildBlue....   :confused1:

WildBlue Revoked :bs: by BBB for having the best services and least complaints?

Gotta laugh at this one!!!!  Not the first time I've even caught tech's asked a simple question, then scurring for answers on their intranet, only to be read a script, or to change the subject.  I experienced this more with Wildblue than i did with Hughes!!


While speaking to Lacey with Wild Blue, we were told that their system works by using a satellite on the customer

I love the BBB.  It was the only way for me to get my issues addressed by both Wildblue and Hughesnet.

Thankfully, I have neither today!  Thank god for Wireless Broadband!

Probably shouldn't use the BBB as your personal army against companies.  Please.

Probably shouldn't use the BBB as your personal army against companies.  Please.

I'm curious what exactly you think the BBB is for.....? Seems they were founded in 1912 and still around in 2009? Myself each and everytime have used the BBB the problem found a solution.

Im sorry WildBlue BBB rating is so terrible:  :what?:

WildBlue Revoked :bs: by BBB for having the best services and least complaints?

The BBB is a farce. And are more of a mob for whoever pays their dues. If your dues are in good standing your usually a good person to deal with.  :lol: They told me so their selves when they tried to get me to become a "choice" member once. So if they help you you were just lucky really.  :evil:

Basically your just asking for their "paid" opinion. And yes it is always biased.

They are like Oprah and Dr. Phil puss, only big because of their mouths.  :2funny: :2funny:


I'm curious what exactly you think the BBB is for.....? Seems they were founded in 1912 and still around in 2009? Myself each and everytime have used the BBB the problem found a solution.

Im sorry WildBlue BBB rating is so terrible:  :what?:

WildBlue Revoked :bs: by BBB for having the best services and least complaints?

They are have a "no rating" and it says:

Wildblue Communication's BBB Accreditation was revoked on June 26, 2008, which was due to the volume and pattern of complaints on file with the BBB. The company appealed the revocation before the BBB Board of Directors and on September 19, 2008, they reinstated the company's BBB Accreditation with stipulations.

The company has made commitments to their customers and the BBB to correct the underlying reasons for the complaint issues brought forth. The company has also agreed to regularly meet with the BBB to participate in a monitoring program to ensure these issues are not further developing within future consumer complaints.

The BBB Board of Directors also agreed to leave the company's rating as 'NR', ('No Rating'), while the company continues to improve on their complaint issues.

Micwa1, why dont you just go over back to the Wildblueworld forums!?

You post the same sarcastic posts as you did over on the wildblue forums.  I've read 'em.

Obviously WB refuse to pay them and they got pissed.

It's not law that they HAVE to be "accredited".

Get on the next bus.

Wild Blue is no better. They have equal complaints on them. To me so far have not heard of a satelite setup worth really bragging about. Not that their isn't. But its not gonna be wild blue over hughes for sure.  :lol:

Wild Blue is no better. They have equal complaints on them. To me so far have not heard of a satelite setup worth really bragging about. Not that their isn't. But its not gonna be wild blue over hughes for sure.   :lol:

Well, I personally don't always follow what OTHER people say about something (which I'm sure half were just misinformed and had expectations that were not [and will not ever be] in sync with satellite internet).  Therefore, they got screwed on their behalf, because A LOT (just about everyone that comes on the forums) do not research before signing a contract.  Then complain about something that if -- IF-- they had researched, then they would have decided THEN that it was not for them and to move on to something that is more in sync with their expectations on internet access.

I go my own experiences, and so far I have had nothing but good come from WildBlue.  I can not say, that if something "better" (as in not satellite), I wouldn't jump on that.  So far, it's either WB or HN.  I've had my share with HN, and I decided to give WB a try and WB worked with me on some things.

I quit reading the WildBlue forums because of exactly how this thread has degraded.  

Someone posts an honest opinion and some other guys jump on their back, calling them fibbers.

I will say though, that the past year or so of people posting reviews are getting to be rather pizzed off in nature, but since the companies will not deal with over-subscription issues, people have a right to be pizzed off.  

If a users speeds are going to degrade more than 20%, stop selling new subscriptions. If the satellite Internet company can not make a profit on those users? Raise the monthly price.  

And The Satellite Internet companies advertising sure makes the product look great. WildBlue even says in it's facts, that it is just like DSL. And thats Fraud.

Burt how many people add 'sucks' are 'ripoff' or 'slow' to their search of the product after reading all that wonderful advertising.

How many people have only dialup as a choice for Internet. The speeds quoted for satellite sure make satellite the right choice. And then the suits in charge manipulate the system, to get the over maximum subscribers online.

This thread was already degraded when I got here.

Wildblue states: "WildBlue's always-on broadband Internet connection provides a user experience similar to most DSL services"

Because Wildblue isn't an "always-on" broadband Internet connection?  Why?  Because it may go out when it comes a storm.

"Raise the monthly price."

Yeah, that'll go over REALLY well!

WB has launched another satellite in orbit that is supposed to be on later this year that will help out in the south.

About the WB forums.  Most of the time it's the same thing, different day, different people.  They come on there DEMANDING something, because they can't play online games or that their VPN doesn't work.   Then there are them that need legitimate help or answers.  A lot of the "regulars" first came on there not too happy with WB, but the mods helped them in a way that Customer Service could not.  Because apparently you know Tech Support only can say what they are "told" to say.

I don't know who you are talking about advertising.  All I EVER see is HughesNet commercials on my TV.  You're right, they make sure to go out of their way to grab a poor dial up soul (and even people on DSL that THINK satellite is a newer technology and it's better) and promise them the world and then some, and then have them sucked in for 2 years -- nagging them about every 6-12 months to upgrade to their "newer and best" modem.  Shit.

You got that right.

This thread was already degraded when I got here.

Wildblue states: "WildBlue's always-on broadband Internet connection provides a user experience similar to most DSL services"

Because Wildblue isn't an "always-on" broadband Internet connection?  Why?  Because it may go out when it comes a storm.

And the spin doctor makes the the part about " provides a user experience similar to most DSL services." disappear.

Some people actually got WildBlue, when they had DSL at the door. And that's because WildBlue said it was similar to DSL and the quoted WildBlue speeds were faster than the user could get with DSL at their location. And other posters(various forums) comments were, "What did you do that for?" "You have DSL at the door and now you find out that WildBlue is a lot slower than the DSL". Advertising kills.

Also from Wildblues facts.... "you are ready to surf the Internet at lightning fast speeds".  I guess lightning has slowed down a bit over the years. A 1000ms ping is not lightning fast. Best that can be done on satellite is 600ms, but thats without the DAMA software and other variables.


And the spin doctor makes the the part about " provides a user experience similar to most DSL services." disappear.

Some people actually got WildBlue, when they had DSL at the door. And that's because WildBlue said it was similar to DSL and the quoted WildBlue speeds were faster than the user could get with DSL at their location. And other posters(various forums) comments were, "What did you do that for?" "You have DSL at the door and now you find out that WildBlue is a lot slower than the DSL". Advertising kills.

Also from Wildblues facts.... "you are ready to surf the Internet at lightning fast speeds".  I guess lightning has slowed down a bit over the years. A 1000ms ping is not lightning fast. Best that can be done on satellite is 600ms, but thats without the DAMA software and other variables.


I can't make anything disappear that's not there.  And, THAT is not there. (http://wildblue.com/aboutWildblue/qaa.jsp#5_1)  Can you direct me to where it can be found?

"lighting fast speeds"

The same shit HN preaches.  That is marketing, not customer support.

If a user was that delusional about Internet access, then they probably shouldn't be on here.  A quick search on Wikipedia will tell you what you won't and will expect on satellite.  Too bad they weren't that "smart" to research, but smart enough to believe everything someone tells them or reads.

While I don't understand the reasoning behind WB's choice to use DAMA, I'm SURE they had good reason.

LOL!  I'm joking, I promise.  Seriously, I don't know WHY they did it, but it seems to be a mistake.

HN and WB will be having some competition soon, from O3b.  That will use medium earth orbit to reduce latency -- some.  Will be interesting to see how that turns out. :P



"Latency is reduced by putting the satellites in a MEO orbit, less than a twentieth of a second away at light speed as opposed to the half second needed to reach geostationary orbit."

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