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nope. no router at all. will be shopping for one this week.

nice info about the NAT, with a 10-20% connection increase, might as well try it myself.

@extreme fusion......

keep on experimenting, will solve my vonage problem first, then i will configure my NAT

hi happy new year..

coolbuster's right, you should copy all the record logs on the canopy before you change anything.last night i messed up with NAT configuration on the canopy, and for the love of god i didn't copy any attributes on the canopy before i reboot. I got totally no connection. i can't even access the canopy, but lucky me i been scheduled today for a contractor visit.

i think i've change the default ip of the canopy that's why i cant access it after inputting, on tcp/ip properties and on the address bar.

btw, this is what the contractor did to gain access again to the canopy. on tcp/ip properties:

ip address

subnet mask

default gateway

Guest ExtremeFusion


Gladly, installer came to our house and replaced my canopy, yipee!


don't doubt our deal is still on... hehehe


thanks for the input


I am uploading the default configuration of my canopy, please fill me once again with the procedure...

thanks you are such a big help... hehehe




Guest ExtremeFusion

Ok after trying jovantot's instruction, i had no luck with the NAT

maybe I am doing something really wrong!

here is the status of my lan after I enabled NAT and those DNS servers are set manually in the canopy page...

with this setup i can't access websites.


and why do i have an IP of 169.254.52 when the ip I input in the NAT public parameter is 192.168.XXX.XXX


You have to setup your IP manually: and what is that DNS? you can also leave that dns server to automatic,

you are getting that because your gateway ip address is

the NAT public parameter, is the IP for your Radio.

try to figure this out:

if NAT is enabled

base station -> radio -> NAT -> lan

if nat is disabled

basestation -> radio -> lan

the nat is acting like a router.

there are two way to access you canopy if your NAT is enabled:

1. access it via your gateway (if you set it up with you can use

2. you can access it with your radio IP (192.168.XXX.XXX).

thats why i told you to write down all your configuration that you have made and the one who is default.

did you see my NAT configuration? if you see it then that is your guide on what i am talking about here.

Hope this help's with your problem

Guest ExtremeFusion

pare, i tried your set-up pero di talga gumana,

maybe its due to the fact that i cannot change this(no matter what):

(see below)


for the sake of other tmn members,

what is on the caption is

sabi mo disabled to ----> you said, disabled it

di ko mabago ----> i cannot change this


Regarding the DMZ host if you read again my instruction there it is a suggestion to disable it, as you can see i enable it on my canopy,because i have extra layer of security which is my router, so every connection going to my ip pass my router before it can reach my pc so i can filter all connection. but actualy you can enable it if you notice too its default disabled even other router disabled it by default, anyways lets try the other way i guess you are almost done with this, as what i have said lets try another thing just for purpose of testing.

1. enable DMZ host and set your DNS server to obtain automatically,

i saw your configuration its ok now, you have your DHCP server for your NAT at the Gateway set perfectly, so i am sure that you wont messed up your canopy anymore hehehehe, that is part of learning, you never learn until you try and do it and messed it ip hehe, but am not asking you all to do it, may be lets start it with extremefusion, am not responsible for any damage my instruction are for educational purpose only. so i hope that extremefusion now will be successfull this time. Cheers

Guest ExtremeFusion


here is the setup with the DMZ interface enabled, still no luck with this...


BTW, even when the DMZ host Interface is enabled or disabled, I still get the IP address 192.168.1.XX

By that I mean, if my DMZ (enabled or disabled, there is no difference) IP is set to ---> this will also be my computer's IP when i type in the cmd prompt the ipconfig/all command.

Same is true, if the DMZ (enabled or disabled, there is no difference) IP is set ----> this will also be my computer's IP when i type in the cmd prompt the ipconfig/all command.

In other say, whatever my DMZ IP will be, even if the DMZ interface is enabled or disabled IT becomes my computer's IP.

and one weird thing is, whenever I have the DNS server to obtain automatically, I get this odd DNS server

oh! there is another one, Subnet Mask is always set to well in fact I have that setup to

kindly see the picture below

On the left side, as you can see in the caption my NAT is enabled

while on the right side, this is my default setting with NAT disabled and DNS set to obtain automatically (default SmartBro DNS server)


BTW, I have read in the Motorola Canopy Wireless Community that it is possible to port forward using a Canopy Version 8.X.X, because it said there that there is an option in NAT and Port Mapping

Well, I am using an 8.1.5 SM DES (software version) but how come my NAT doesn't cooperate.

@ jovantot

do we have the same device type and same software version?


to a SmartBro user out there who has tried using a CNUT (am I right?!) or have tried to update their software version.. please let me know how to do it... (Yes, you would probably tell me to download the CNUT software from Motorola wireless website, but I already know this stuff.. what I want to know is how to use the program itself.. the manual that came with it is confusing me...)

again to jovantot, thanks for your input!


my software version is 8.0, and also i dont have that option

"NAT Public Network Interface configuration"

also i notice that you have admin account (not the level), actually there are to access for the canopy one is installer access and one is admin, on my part, my user is set to none, which is the installer access i guess (since it was also use by the installer/contractor when they setup my canopy page),

can you give me a full shot of your canopy page? including the menus

Guest ExtremeFusion

here it is, I also have an installer account,

It does not matter if I am admin or installer, they have the same option for configuration..

BTW, anyone out there knows where to download the updater program for Canopy, pls post.. I can't find it on their website, pls post its url.. thanks

just a question do you know  javascript injection? actually you can change that value using javascript injection on your web browser, and i dont want to talk about hacking stuff here if you want to it more maybe you email me or send me a PM, if you know how to use javascript void method you can change it even it is disabled (the input box) here is a sample "javascript:void(document.form[0].ip.value="")" <--- this will change the value of IP in form 0, just send me a PM if you want the actual application, another method is to modify the source code of the page, and also as what i have said i dont want to talk about hacking around here.


Guest ExtremeFusion

Forget about the CNUt already downloaded it and upgrade my 8.1.5 SM-DES to 8.2.2 SM-DES, anyways not much has changed..only that I know have "extra" configuration...

BTW, does anyone here knows how to obtain the ip address of our AP (Access Point)

I may need to upgrade mine.. hehehe  :evil6::haha:

Forget about the CNUt already downloaded it and upgrade my 8.1.5 SM-DES to 8.2.2 SM-DES, anyways not much has changed..only that I know have "extra" configuration...

BTW, does anyone here knows how to obtain the ip address of our AP (Access Point)

I may need to upgrade mine.. hehehe  :evil6::haha:

does the new canopy page show you a 7mb aggregate?

Guest ExtremeFusion

In conclusion of this NAT setting..

My advice if your Canopy SV is 8.X.X, don't try this..

you might get lucky if you have a Software Version 8.0 as to what jovantot have..


I tried your javascript, yes it did work but the values always reverted to default..

anyways, i have figured how to change the value without using javascipt but i lost my internet that way, i have my canopy replaced now... again.. thank you very much for your help... [nerd]

my net phone is working now. :azn:  thanks jovantot.

i think i have to adjust on some parameters. whenever the phone is in use, i can't surf the web, and during peak hours, my voice is choppy. (one disadvantage using wireless system).

now i have to try the NAT tweak.

hey guys...i open my canopy to configure my NAT, to my surprise, it's not my account. every now and then, somebody's account is popping on my canopy page.

i can't access my own account.

no problem on my signal, am still reaching 320+/- during peak hours, but i want to access, and configure my NAT.

@extreme Fusion

Home page, site information. before the site info has my name, address and contact number. yesterday, and a while ago when i open the canopy page, the site info is not mine. as it refresh, it keeps on popping different account names, address and contact number.

Guest ExtremeFusion

oooo... that is weird!

I thought it was like this:

When you access your canopy page it displays a site information different from what yours' really is.

This is common among canopy, the previous owner of the canopy has still its information on it and has never been edited. What smart installer does (SmartBro) is they recycle this used canopy to other new subscriber (specifically this is what they use as a replacement for your canopy whenever they do a field visit), and then that is the time that it'll be edited if the installer don't forget that.

But when you said, it keeps on popping different account info.. wow, I guess I can be of no help...

Never had this problem before...

A glitch in the basestation perhaps...

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