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I have a dlink dir-655 for my home network.. but recently after performing a network upgrade for a friend on his WRT54GS V.6, the power light flashes and i can still ping the router. I cannot access the router control panel.. but found this link and have no luck.. http://linksys.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/linksys.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=175&p_created=1084205858&p_sid=_rJPgdbi&p_accessibility=0&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MjE5JnBfcHJvZHM9MCZwX2NhdHM9JnBfcHY9JnBfY3Y9JnBfc2VhcmNoX3R5cGU9YW5zd2Vycy5zZWFyY2hfbmwmcF9zY2ZfbGFuZz0xJnBfcGFnZT0xJnBfc2VhcmNoX3RleHQ9cG93ZXIgbGlnaHQgYmxpbmtpbmcgd3J0NTRn&p_li=&p_topview=1

if anyone has any idea of what i can do, please tell me



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My Linksys experience

Have a copy of the original version handy. If you have a computer that has had no association with the router use it. Turn the router on and press the reset and hold for 30 seconds and then power the computer off and next the router.

Now re-power the router and once up the computer. See if you can enter into web setup using the router's address. If it doesn't seem to work try the reset again. I have had some act funny and some I have not been able to get back into once I have disabled the DHCP. The ones I could never get back into I have junked.

Hope this helps.

And DO NOT try to upgrade the firmware for a Linksys wireless router unless the computer you are using is HARDWIRED to the wireless router.  :idiot2:

You probably know that, Tim, but I thought I'd mention it for future readers.

BTW, I upgraded the firmware in my WRT54GS and didn't have to "hold the reset button located on the back of the router for 30 seconds".

woot... thanks guys... i actually got it working this morning around 3... i got angry and plotted ideas down on a sheet of paper.. the 20th one worked. haha... i had to short a few circuits while booting it up and loading firmware into it with TFTP.. it was an adventure but it worked LOL woo!

thanks again, Tim

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