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When it comes to mp3 players I am pretty much in the dark. I have a 10 year old girl that wants a ipod for her birthday. Now she is just your average kid. Probally loose it who knows. My concern is how fragile are thoes things? I mean they are cheep, I just don't want to have to replace it every time she drops it or whatever as well. Make senes?? What do you guys and gals think?

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They are actually really durable. The iPod touch would be the most fragile because of the glass screen, but even that one is very durable, people drop them all the time and they don't break.

If you got her a iPod nano, or iPod classic, the whole thing is made out of aluminum and stainless steal.  So don't worry about it breaking if she drops it. unless its from a real high place  :haha:

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I remember hearing... I think it was the secure digital technology being used in Ipods specifically for the purpose of surviving a drop to the floor and not compromising the data. I have droped my cell phone enough times, I think apple has that covered.  :grin:  The screen might be cracked though.

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