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I moved from Sprint , to Alltel/Verizon for this phone, and I'm not disappointed. This phone has to be the ultimate PDA/ Smartphone , yea, i used the iPhone, and I have to say, the Diamond has it one up.

The Diamond does everything your PC does, including Lan, wifi, evdo, of course blue tooth, BT as modem, serial connection via usb, the availability of internet settings rival your PC, not not exclude your proxy. Running windows mobile 6.1 the drop down touch menus flow seamlessly in any application. (.doc / .xls / .pdf many more )  Open up your music files instantly by touch screen and windows media player reacts like it was waiting for your response instead of the other way around. 

I'm just getting into this device, only had it for a busy week, but I'm already hooked.

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Yah i was thinking of upgrading to this phone, but really dont want to dish out any more money on a phone. As of right now i have the HTC Touch with verizon. Its a okay phone doesn't runs as smooth as i want it.

There pricey as hell, but since i switched from nextel, to alltel, instead of 600 bucks , or close to it, I got it for 150.

Plus I get a 100.00 rebate  :haha: , plus , I built the owners house, so he gave me enough referral credits to compensate for the fine for canceling early accounts with nextel.

I have the latest model,( I think it's MD4, or something)  not the one in the video it doesn't have that faceted back.  Things tight !  Learning the device is a hurdle I'm working on . I can't believe all the  "stuff " they cram into that thing. The depth of settings is astonishing , they never seem to end.

With 4gig of internal storage, I should be good to go, I'm just trying to get used to using the phone as a computer, no sd card , it's all flash based, and file based. So it throws me for a loop.

My only real issue right now is it came with active sync 4.5  ( for windows ) Not mac, I found the mac version, but I'm not payin for it. I'm gonna see if alltel can do something about that. Maybe , maybe not.

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I know when i bought my phone i got a 40% discount on the phone plus no activation fee, and get 22% discount off my bill every month for just being a pepsi employee. Hell I was geting better discounts than the paramedic guy next to me. I walked out only paying like 100 bucks lol

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