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:cry: I live in an area of central ontario where broadband is still not the best--many pockets and gaps for dsl and fixed wireless. The only option I had was satellite internet thru xplornet. I chose the best one available which is spaceway (hughesnet)I realize that it is expensive and you pay much more for this service to get a half decent speed. After several months of frustration about slow speeds, I found out that they were in transition from Germantown Penn. to Winnipeg Man. and once this had been done--my speeds increased dramatically for download and only slightly for upload. I went to the eliteplus package which advertized up to 3 mps down and 300kps up with a 3 year contract that price is 200.00 per month. The speeds I got once it was in Winnipeg were around 4.8mps to as high as 7mpsand around 380kps---to 550 up--I am happy with that--was like I was on the new elite premium package--mega bucks!!

I just could not justify paying 200.00 per month--and with these good speeds now I thought I would drop it down a notch to the elite plan--2mps down and 250kps up---well not so fast (no pun intended) The speeds dropped in not the same favourable way as they went up,,  1.7mps down and 120kps up--

I am paying 80.00 a month less--but what a drop!!! Does this sound right????  I have not really noticed much or any change in my browsing speed, and I dont download much in the way of music ext.  maybe I shouldnt complain or should I???

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Were you using the http://www.testmy.net/speedtest/download_speedtest.php speedtest here? Or the other one that is flash based and gives odd numbers(high) to certain ISP's?

But it could be an error for Hughesnet speed provisioning at the top speed.

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:-| Thanks guys, I would say your right Tommy--I should be happy with what I am getting --I am learning fast about this internet--put it this way, I had dialup for years before this. For Zalternate---yes I am using testmy.net for the speeds from before the change and after. I would says these guys left me on Elite Premium ---they bumped it up from elite plus just for test purposes when doing a diagnostic-- and were supposed to have changed it back ( thats what one contact said).  Elite premium is new---5mp and 500 up? and I believe it is around 500.00 per month. My son is down from Ottawa where he has Rodgers Cable and says he did not see any difference from before I changed it to now, and browsing speed is not much different. Pages just load a little slower, but we have 46000 miles of space to traverse up and down!!!!

I have some photos I plan on uploading to some friends in the next few weeks,this will be my chance to see how uploading really works with this system.

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:-| Thanks guys, I would say your right Tommy--I should be happy with what I am getting --I am learning fast about this internet--put it this way, I had dialup for years before this. For Zalternate---yes I am using testmy.net for the speeds from before the change and after. I would says these guys left me on Elite Premium ---they bumped it up from elite plus just for test purposes when doing a diagnostic-- and were supposed to have changed it back ( thats what one contact said).  Elite premium is new---5mp and 500 up? and I believe it is around 500.00 per month. My son is down from Ottawa where he has Rodgers Cable and says he did not see any difference from before I changed it to now, and browsing speed is not much different. Pages just load a little slower, but we have 46000 miles of space to traverse up and down!!!!

I have some photos I plan on uploading to some friends in the next few weeks,this will be my chance to see how uploading really works with this system.

Be careful with the FAP on that.  :wink: Shrink the pics is what I did, in paint.
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