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its a fairly new pc and i dont have much on it but music but, it runs really really slow and i looked at my resource moniter and it said my svchost.exe or something is running and i have 13 of that process running at the same time when i look at processes in windows task manager....could this be a problem with my files somewhere?

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svchost.exe should not be disabled, required for essential applications to work properly.

Windows errors related to svchost.exe?

The file svchost.exe is the Generic Host Process for Win32 Services used for administering 16-bit-based dynamically linked library files (DLL files) including other supplementary support applications.

As operating systems became more complex Microsoft decided to run more software functionality from a dynamic link library (DLL) interface. However DLLs are unable to launch themselves and require at least one executable program, i.e. svchost.exe, is needed to bridge between the library process and the operating system.

Through the solitary file svchost.exe, the DLLs efficiently contain and dispense Win32 services as well as neatly facilitate the execution of svchost.exe

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its a fairly new pc and i dont have much on it but music but, it runs really really slow and i looked at my resource moniter and it said my svchost.exe or something is running and i have 13 of that process running at the same time when i look at processes in windows task manager....could this be a problem with my files somewhere?

Did all the songs get there via purchase or via a file sharing program that came with malware?








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  • 4 months later...


better look for a second time!

that may be spelled svCchost.exe, double letter C, NOT svchost.exe only.  SVCCHOST.exe is a trojan.

==> http://www.softwaretipsandtricks.com/dangerous_files/4541-svcchostexe.html

==> http://www.greatis.com/appdata/d/s/svcchost.exe.htm

hope this helps.

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