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I got this still need more upgrades

Gateway 310XL


Intel Pentium 4, 2800 MHz

100MHz external bus


Intel Corp. SR84511A.15A.0020.P03.0406101353 06/10/2004



768MB physical

90% free resources

2 memory slots, 0 free (512+256)



Graphics Adapter: Intel® 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller

Screen Area/Colors: 1280x1024 pixels, 16 million colors

Monitor: Plug and Play Monitor



C: (NTFS) 114463MB total, 106846MB free

D: CD-ROM/CD-RW or DVD Drive

E: CD-ROM/CD-RW or DVD Drive

F: (NTFS) 76316MB total, 66032MB free

  Network and Modem


(net) Linksys Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter with SpeedBooster

(net) Intel Intel PRO/100 VE Network Connection

(net) Microsoft Direct Parallel

(net) Microsoft RAS Async Adapter

  Operating System


Windows XP SP2 (Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)

Original setup date: 10/19/2004

DirectX Version: 5.03.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)

Swap file managed by Windows

File cache managed by Windows


MSIE 6.0; 5.1; SV1

Proxy: No proxy set

HTTP level: direct 1.1, proxy 1.0

Scripting version:


Gateway 19" LCD

Model FDP1940

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www.ibuypower.com  You can customize it to whatever YOU like and for under $2000 ??  You bet . 

Those look sweet. I love those cases. I have a similar one. None of those prices include the monitor. Bummer. You really need to do your homework.

But if you're so inclined, building one yourself is'nt as scarey as you think. I built mine last year and got every bit of it from newegg, except the OS. It was cheaper too. If I went looking to buy what I built, it would've been another 5-700 bucks easy..

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swimmer- thanks for the tip! i trust your judgement ( i don't like the cow logo anyway)

stank ho- do you know a good link/ tutorial on building a pc? the most hardcore thing iv'e ever done inside a computer is install RAM..which i messed up with and had to call tech support lol

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Actually no, but I read alot of boards. I'm sure someone in here may know of a place.The main thing is just do one thing at a time.  The only "out of the norm" issue I had was with my mobo. I had to update the bios on it due to the fact I bought a 120gig (S)erial ATA hd. The board would'nt read it at first, but once the bios was updated it was no problem. It was very good to have an alternate pc hooked up and on line too. If I needed help,(or BIOS updates) I was able to jump on line and get it. Still, I think I saved a bunch of money and gained some valuable experience in doing it myself.

Wow, Stank almost sounds human. :shock:

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Those look sweet. I love those cases. I have a similar one. None of those prices include the monitor. Bummer. You really need to do your homework.

When your customizing it you can add the monitor.......and it'd still be less then 2 grand.. .  -_-

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STAY AWAY FROM GATEWAY.. there are rumors that they will not make it though next year..  they are losing money big time!  I would either go dell or build.. 

if something does happens to my computer, i got a friend (computer tech) that fixes computers. at this time i never had problems with GATEWAY and dell, both have been best computers that i've had.

TheArtworkGuy, if  you want to build your computer go to this:  http://www.tigerdirect.com/  or the actual store if you live to close to one.  There is another store as big as best buy or circuit city, FRY'S ELECTRONICS if you live close to one of these city http://www.frys.com/localframe.html i would recommend it BEST STUFF  and very cheap

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're into digital photography and video editing you might want to seriously consider a PowerMac G5.  Photoshop, Toast, and Final Cut Pro are the most common, not to mention most powerful tools of the trade, actually. :)

I've done the comparisons in terms of power you get out of it vs. price and Apple actually comes out cheaper than most of the serious PC workstations.  Mind you, we're talking dual G5's here.  The cheapest way to work your way into a PowerMac is to go to the Apple "Save" store.


You can add memory etc. later, and pretty much ALL PowerMac's do include a SuperDrive (DVD burner).  This is all for MUCH less than 2,000$.  Also, keep an eye on www.dealmac.com ,  scroll down a bit and towards the left it says "Systems".  Check that every day, as they post PowerMacs fairly often.

If you want more information on the software I mentioned, I'm sure you're familiar with Photoshop, and...

Toast is here: http://www.roxio.com/en/products/toast/index.jhtml

Final Cut Pro: http://www.apple.com/finalcutpro/

The price on Final Cut is pretty steep but there's ways around that (I wont say anything further than that here).  Not to mention how much more stress free it is to do the things you're talking about on a Mac, and the fact you don't have to worry about viruses or spyware etc. etc.

Hope this helps. :)

P.S. You may also want to consider an iMac if you want a monitor etc. with it, just MAKE SURE to get a G5 based Mac, or you really wont be satisfied with the performance for what you're doing. :)

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