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upgrade Motherboard, CPU and Power Suply

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Hi, I have

Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 Ghz and the MB is Foxconn G33M02. Power Supply 300Watts

I am going to install a HW upgrade in my computer with a new:

Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.88 Ghz and the MB is Foxconn G45M-S. Power Supply 400 Watts

I want to know if I need to re-install again the Windows Vista Ultimate 64 in order to work correctly with the new HW or the OS is going to recognize and install the drivers automatically.

Thank you.

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if you are upgrading the motherboard and cpu it is probably best to reinstall because windows may not like the new hardware since it was installed with the drivers for the old ones. and you might be lucky and just have to reactivate your windows copy. but i'd personally back up everything and reinstall

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