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I want to know that which is better Nvidia 9800GT graphic card or 9600GT or Nvidia 8600 or 8800Gt,

if you know any other best graphics card please tell me coz, i want to put in my PC,

my PC configuration is :--  Intel core 2 duo E4300 1.8Ghz, 3GB DDR2 ram, MSI-7267 motherboard, Intel 82945G graphic

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simply put:

9800GT = 8800GT > 9600GT >> 8600GT

Because a 9800GT is a renamed 8800GT, and a 9600GT is a nerfed 8800GT, and a 8600GT is pretty much low-end. You'll probably see a decent framerate increase by increasing your CPU speed to 2.5 Ghz or more. Be aware of what overclocking does to your CPU.

You also might want to check this page which I like and gets updated monthly for a comparaison of the best GPUs for the money


I have a 8800GT and I can game with high settings on most games at 1680x1050. If you have a higher resolution monitor, it might be worth considering going for something higher end, but in that case overclocking the cpu is a must.

to overclock you go into your bios before the computer POSTS. usually with either the Del. key or maybe F8. depends on what kind of computer i guess. but anyway, after you go into the bios there is a section where it shows your CPU frequencies and voltages..my section in my bios is just ccalled overclock navigator. yours might be named different. and to OC you just SLOWLY increase your frequency at first, but be sure to do it a little at a time and then reboot your computer and check to make sure its not running too hot or anything is wrong, if you jump up the frequency and the voltages too much you can do serious harm to your computer.  dont do too much with the voltage levels unless you need to to insure enough power and everything to the cpu, too much voltage and you'll start to smell something going on eventually. lets not even try this unless needed, but im not too familiar with playing with voltage levels so i'll let a more experienced member take care of explaining that part  :o

you should also know that overclocking (OC) your computer increases the heat produced by your cpu and can lower the lifespan if you arent careful with your system. so its always best to not do it too much at a time and always have patience by doing it a little at a time then rebooting and monitoring temperatures, and everything of your cpu...if it goes to high you will notice stalls, overheats, etc.  best to ask for help any time you get lost or paranoid about a result. we're here to help.  :grin:

that is just a rough outline of how to do it, more members will give more information when they read this thread probably.  also just as an example..i have a amd athlon 64x2 5600+ its stock speed is 2.8ghz...i have the frequency set up from 200 (default) to 215 in the bios and didnt mess with the voltage at all. and im now at 3ghz. but make sure you take it slow, again it will be slower progress but when you get it where you want you'll be pleased you didnt ruin a good computer by rushing things.  :wink2:

edit/  another nice note to have that i didnt think about when i had an older computer is....always make sure there is good airflow, because if you overclock and more heat is generated its nice to have a place for the heat to travel out of the case or you'll be in the middle of something and the system will overheat and shut down...trust me on that one  :evil6:

hey sir ryan , i have a little problem here in my pc, i just changed my cpu frequency 200(default) to 205 , when i reboot my pc, it is responding anymore....

the display is not working, keyboard is not working , mouse is not working, and when i start the my pc i do not boot up, it just power on, no proccesing occurs, not bot screen occurs.... what will i do now .. please help me... i please

This is why people should read first before attempting any overclocking at all. Find a battery (the CMOS battery, the location of it on the motherboard is probably listed in the manual) and remove it for 15 minutes, then put it back in. Then try booting the PC again. If you're unlucky you'll have to set a jumper too, but again, this is information you should be able to find in your motherboards manual.

This is why people should read first before attempting any overclocking at all. Find a battery (the CMOS battery, the location of it on the motherboard is probably listed in the manual) and remove it for 15 minutes, then put it back in. Then try booting the PC again. If you're unlucky you'll have to set a jumper too, but again, this is information you should be able to find in your motherboards manual.

Agreed entirely.

One more thing, people spend countless hours and much more, learning the art of overclocking, sure, there's settings you can change, but there's a whole lot more to it then just changing a few settings.  Take this for example, when you clock up the MHz, you clock the entire bus, not just the proc, so you change several other things to counteract this, the voltage to the proc many times needs upped , and there's a setting to spread the added timing between the proc, and the memory, then memory timings and so on. You'll have to down clock other components , or they'll not be stable.

Because the whole bus means everything gets clocked up, and everything in there can't handle that.

It's much more detailed then this, just tossin that at ya.

So get used to resetting your bios. And like RTB said, learn what each setting does, your not going to get a stable over-clock by just changing a few settings. Some may get lucky.

20% over rated CPU is all you'll get until you get deeper into learning it, and cooling it so it doesn't pop. Then your usually talking extra $$$'s as well.

@ Ryan S.-- my pc does not beep on me,,,, 

and the settings i have changed in my bios will affect my pc,, is my all data on my hard disk will be erased when it comes to normal or not,,,,

i have given my pc to my computer expert to fix it....

can anyone help me to learn how to overclock the pc and make it run faster ,,, or any other software that can speed up my pc...

Software-wise, there isn't any miracle program that can make your pc go faster other than by cleaning stuff and maybe optimising your internet connection. For the overclocking, you should read a dedicated guide at http://www.overclockersclub.com/ or something and it will help you understand how to do it and what are the risks, but it requires a bit of technical knowledge and not being scared of situations like you just had. The simplest way to get better performance is just getting a gaming pre-overclocked pc, but those don't go cheap.

I have never agreed with overclocking anything. You willing to risk loosing your cpu and locking up your pc for what will probably be a very small gain. If you can, Upgrade if needed. If you don't have the cash, There are several ways to improve performance.

IO bit has a simple free program called game booster. Works great, Safe to use. Will offer way better results with out any danger and save you countless hours and tons of reading trying to overclock.

Always, Always take into account its easy to brag with text on a screen. Its easy to talk about how someone over clocked this or that and it sooo much faster. Take that with a BIG grain of salt. Its your hardware, Your PC, You ready to trust some text on the screen and risk having to replace your computer?  Be safe, The tweakers can be hardcore, and yet at the same time mostly full of green cheese.

If overclocking is pointless, why do AMD and Intel offer CPUs in various speed grades? It took some effort, but this x2 3800+ has ran at 2700 Mhz for about 4 years I think. Meaning, it was on par with a stock FX60 selling for almost 1000 dollar. The gain is undeniable nowadays, with practically every CPU made by AMD and Intel achieving 3+ Ghz stable, no matter what the stock speed is. A friend of mine just followed instructions on an AMD CPU (htt to 240, htt multi to 4, mem divider to 166) and has had no problems. I don't recall his CPU number, but it was at least a 400 Mhz boost. If you're already buying a third party cooler for silence or whatever, overclocking will at least pay you back the money spent on that cooler.

This is why I don't understand your post, how can one program offer more performance than having for example a top-end model versus a low-end model CPU?

i have a problem with my pendrive , when i plug it in my PC , i doesn't open, and when i try to copy anything into it, it shows a Message:- DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED......

when i try to format it it shows again that message........DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED.....

when i scan it , it does process the scan!!!

Can Any one help me out ,,,,, PLzzzzzz , it's urgent>>>

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