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I just bought a pre-modded Linksys DD-WRT WRT54g from TheoryShare.com but I have no idea what to do with it.


I've gotten past the obvious things, like plug it into the wall, run ethernet cables from modem to router & from router to computer & Xbox360. I'm not using it as a wireless router just yet, but I will in the near future. Computer connects to the internet as it should (I'm using it to post this) and Xbox connects to Xbox Live as it should. Everything works fine. The problem is this router appears to have a ton of cool features, but unfortunately I have NO idea what any of them are. I can access the router's control panel, & there are a million different options. I'm afraid to touch anything for fear the router might stop working. I'm not afraid to spend a week reading up on all this stuff, but I don't know where to get any documentation. For some reason, TheoryShare isn't answering my e-mails or answering their phone. Ill I need is someone to point me in the right direction to learn more about the capabilities of this seemingly well equipped router. Please help!

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Linksys is naturally out of the question since it is a modded device.  If they do not have the manual on the website for download or a wiki explaining the settings the next best thing to do is look the settings/terminology up on the internet.  You may be able to answers to a specific qustion by asking about that specific setting in the router.  Did not see a listing for manuals on their site.

http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page  is there main page.

I've been using DD-WRT for a while , although there's settings in there that are still beyond me, I might be able tp at the least point you in the rite direction depending on what your trying to do.

Really , it can be configured for as much as you'll need in any network you have at home. Even more so by telnet into it's console .

According to ehow.com telnet can be used in terminal just like dos.

Things You'll Need:

Mac OS X

Remote computer access



Go to "Utilities," then "Applications" on your Mac OS X machine. Open the "Terminal"

application to start the command prompt. This line, similar to the MS-DOS prompt

found in Windows, is where any number of commands can be run.


Determine the IP address and port number of the computer to which you wish to

connect. The port number is that of the specific computer--Telnet's standard port

number is 23. Since all the computers on the network will be associated with the IP address, you'll need this further

identifying information. If the computer is on the Internet and has a valid DNS (Domain Name System) hostname, you

can use this hostname instead of the IP address.


Enter the telnet command followed by the hostname or IP address and port (telnet hostname port number or telnet IP

port number). If everything is configured correctly, Telnet will connect to the remote computer, and you will be presented

with a login prompt or welcome screen. From this point on, anything displayed by the Telnet client comes directly from the

remote computer and anything you type goes directly to the remote computer.


Break from the Telnet session if it becomes unresponsive. Normally, you'll be able to log out of a Telnet session with the

correct server commands, effectively ending the Telnet session. However, if the Telnet session becomes unresponsive,

you'll have to end it manually. Since every key press is sent directly to the server, you have to use the Telnet escape

sequence: ~^] instead of a typical escape sequence. After pressing that, you'll be back in a Telnet client-side command

prompt, and you can use the "quit" command to exit Telnet.


Use Telnet for debugging purposes. Telnet is used not only to connect to remote Telnet services, but also to connect to

any remote service. Since most services work on an ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) text

protocol, you can connect to a remote service--such as the http service on port 80, used to serve web pages--and enter

the HTTP request manually as opposed to entering the URL in a web browser.

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