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Well, my computer won't work again.

I tried installing a old hard drive out of my parents computer, to see if it still works and to try and get some stuff off it. Well, I connected it and my windows 7 would not load. So i disconnected it,  and now nothing loads. all i get is a black screen. I cant even get to the Bios. Everything sounds like its running but nothing shows up.

If you can remember, about 6 months ago I had this same exact thing happen to me. And i had to replace my PSU and MB to get it to work.

I most ironic thing about this is before i started messing with my computer. I was a little hesitate about doing anything to my computer on the odd chance something goes wrong. well I should have gone with my gut on this one.

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Unplug the power and then Pop the BIOS battery out to reset?   you may have to push the power button to discharge the board, before putting battery back in.

I know on one of my new machines when I was installing Windows 7, something went wrong and that worked. The power came on but nothing ran.

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Thx for the help, but i got it to work. I connected a old crappy PSU to my MB and started it up, and then i reconnected my PSU to it again and it worked. It must of been some kind of connection issue. Oh well, I don't care why it happened, i just care thats its working again. This computer is damn near brand new and i didn't want to start buying new hardware for it.

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Thx for the help, but i got it to work. I connected a old crappy PSU to my MB and started it up, and then i reconnected my PSU to it again and it worked. It must of been some kind of connection issue. Oh well, I don't care why it happened, i just care thats its working again. This computer is damn near brand new and i didn't want to start buying new hardware for it.

Couple quick questions for you.

Do you have a well for water supply ?

If so, what does the copper in the house look like, is it dark?

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Couple quick questions for you.

Do you have a well for water supply ?

If so, what does the copper in the house look like, is it dark?

Yeah i do use a well for my water supply. as for the copper i dont know, i dont really have much copper in the house.

What does this have to do with anything?

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Yeah i do use a well for my water supply. as for the copper i dont know, i dont really have much copper in the house.

What does this have to do with anything?

I'm just guessing that there may be minute amounts of sulfur in there, even if you dont taste it , and it's nice and clear. When you vaporize it, (take a shower ) it goes through the air, and lands on everything, just happens it corrodes copper a little bit. Even if you don't see too much darkness on the wires in the thing, it can still be there, and generally, it doesn't just wipe off.  

All the power wires in your machine are copper. And in the walls of your house :)

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