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Ok I have 6 acres. 1 house, a 60x60 concrete shop/hangout above where currently the router and modem are at. The house as nothing for net right now, but has a laptop in it. I need to get signal to the house that is 120 ft away


I have a wrt54gs v1 or v2 with DD-WRT firmware on it(I love it, the firmware).

I have a computer upstairs and a computer downstairs in the shop( wired ). I need to know the best way to get strong signal to the house from upstairs above the shop. I currently have the WRT54gs with external antennae and stand c61dface1a7732e054dde3513fa06228.jpg with the http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.tigerdirect.com/skuimages/large/L48-2328.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp%3FEdpNo%3D1533866%26CatId%3D374&usg=__HnqRMFcUUHC5KDVvdK4Btr-3J9k=&h=300&w=300&sz=23&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbnid=Ew4ip3feCDNPRM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlinksys%2Bantennae%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1

I can get signal from the shop to the house but it drops now and then and is slow 11mb :(.

There is a netgear wireless n router WRN2000 over in the house but no modem... I can't get the router to act as a wireless access point to catch signal and send it back out.. But the DD-WRT firmware on my WRT54gs can, and does but it's only 17-18% strength from the house to the shop with the above listed eqiupment. So...................


1. Better wireless N router?

2. Better antennae for the G router

3. Powerline Ethernet(how is signal degradation?)

Ethernet is out of the question as it would be over 400ft of cat5e or cat6.

Lets here what you guys use or have or know of that will work.

I would like to stick with Linksys if possible, but seeing those prices of 249 for the professional grade router is kinda out of the question.

Thanks guys.

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Personally I would not play with the wireless in this situation.

I'm in about the same situation, accept the other way around, signal source is in the house, so I grabbed enough underground yellow 2" gas line, and buried it in a channel I dug. Got the correct fittings and mounted them. This way, I have a clean , dry and sealed path where wire can be pulled at any time. I ran cat5 plenum inside and terminated with a basic switch. Configured another subnet for the shop, and viola.

Ok but what about distance?

line of sight it's about 110 ft. but down the wall through the tube, up the wall and to a suitable spot in the house for a access point is going to be well over 300ft.

signal drops after 100ft of cat cable :(

100 meters is max recommended for cat5 , So 100 meters is 328 foot, can you manage that ?

Cat 5 is 100BaseT (100 Mbps w/ 100 m range)

Cat 5e is 1 Gbps (1000 Mbps) w/ a 75m range

Cat 5e ONLY has a 100m range if you get Base-TX. (Not Base-T)

Cat 6 is 100m and supposedly can do over 1.2 Gbps

You may want to consider an repeater in there (booster) in between if you are close.

ok right now I have the wnr2000 at the modem and I have the wrt here as well I'm trying to get this configured before we run the 250 ft of cat5e to the house.

I can't figure this out for the life of me

Anyone have aim or yahoo that wants to help me? lol

ok right now I have the wnr2000 at the modem and I have the wrt here as well I'm trying to get this configured before we run the 250 ft of cat5e to the house.

I can't figure this out for the life of me

Anyone have aim or yahoo that wants to help me? lol

Just tell me what is going on , and what you are trying to accomplish

well aim ohioranger4x4

yahoo mdnytecruiser I have ventrilo as well.


I have wnr2000 wireless n at the router(we are going to be taking it back and probably getting the wrt610n or comparable Linksys router(for at the modem) using my wrt54gs v1 with DDWRT v23 firmware on it for over at the house (we are going to go ahead and run the cat5e to the house(do I need to cross it over or can I run it normal?

Also we'll be using a 4 port hub in the shop below where I have the router(in the hang out room) as there is a computer in the shop wired to the router at the modem.

issues I have right now

my wrt with ddwrt isn't giving internet access via wireless.. is that because the port that the wrt is plugged in to on the wrn is off (due to no cross over cable)? I can connect to the net with the laptop when wired to the wrt(2nd router/ap)

thanks again.

well aim ohioranger4x4

yahoo mdnytecruiser I have ventrilo as well.


I have wnr2000 wireless n at the router(we are going to be taking it back and probably getting the wrt610n or comparable Linksys router(for at the modem) using my wrt54gs v1 with DDWRT v23 firmware on it for over at the house (we are going to go ahead and run the cat5e to the house(do I need to cross it over or can I run it normal?

Also we'll be using a 4 port hub in the shop below where I have the router(in the hang out room) as there is a computer in the shop wired to the router at the modem.

issues I have right now

my wrt with ddwrt isn't giving internet access via wireless.. is that because the port that the wrt is plugged in to on the wrn is off (due to no cross over cable)? I can connect to the net with the laptop when wired to the wrt(2nd router/ap)

thanks again.

No, you dont need a crossover at all, only thing this is used for , is connecting "like devices " , say you have two machines that will work together for any reason, and or switches, blah blah.

Standard 568-B or 568 -A will be the correct wiring. Depending on the rest of the network. Standard would be the latter (B) , if you have purchased cables from most anywhere it is B.


You should not have to do anything special, I like different subnets for organizations purposes, and security reasons, but it is entirely unnecessary in more applications. And can cause serious configurability issues between machines on different subnets.


the above picture is my brain working better when seeing things.

idk  :idiot2:

I believe I am used to making all my cat cables in A form just like they come from the factory.

so in closing(but don't leave me yet :D)

there is a cat5e from the modem/router down to the pc downstairs I can hook the hub to(anything special i need to do with the hub or just hook it up) and then I connect cat5e from the hub to the house/AP

Like I said above I'm not getting signal from the future AP right now(I have it all hooked up in the hangout to test everything for I go gungho!

wrt is set to AP with radio on. I can connect to the control panel of the WRT but not to the net?

the web said I needed DHCP server disabled?

Looks like it will work out great ! The hub, if it just a switch, then you shouldn't have to do anything no ?

And I do not understand how you will get an IP from the device if DHCP is off, and you haven't configured any static IP's.  So I dunno where there going with that in your situation. Unless there's more I don't know.

I do not know. That's what it said for connecting to routers to 1 network.

so I need to turn the  DHCP Server back on?

what about wireless it's not transmitting for some reason.

also how can I keep the AP having the same IP? I have an ftp server I run off the DDWRT will I need to switch it to the netgear or new router?

Ok, the main router off the modem should be DHCP enabled, anything in between will need to be null, as with the secondary router (wifi) I think I know what they were referring to now.

So the line going to the AP will come from the LAN of the MAin router, to the WAN other AP , and DHCP off on the AP, it will get the IP's from the MAin router.

ok I'm about to give up. I have no net now at all.

and I can't connect to the ap via desktop through the router is the IP i gave the ap in the DDWRT GUI.

"internet connection type" is automatic config - DHCP right now

local ip is


gateway and local dns are blank.

Network Address Server Settings(DHCP)


DHCP Server  Enabled

Just make sure yo have the main router on DHCP, all in between off, and end router  (AP) set to off DHCP , and make sure the IP on second router is within the main router IP range, you'll be fine.

Gotta run eat, so catch up inna minnit

lol it's not your fault I probably screwed it up :D


wnr2000 netgear wireless n router WAN to the modem

cat5e going from LAN (WNR) to the dd-wrt (acess point) WAN

firmware setup:

Connection Type: automatic configuration DHCP

Router IP

Local IP



Local DNS

Network Address Server Settings (DHCP)

DHCP Type      DHCP Server

DHCP Server      Enabled

I believe that's all you need for right now.

Ok, have you set the second router to  "client " mode ?

If so this may be an issue if you are not connecting router 2 wirelessly, this is why I ask,

And YES, it iwll work this way (lan router A to LAN router B )

You should be able to configure the wireless on router B now !

Ok, have you set the second router to  "client " mode ?

If so this may be an issue if you are not connecting router 2 wirelessly, this is why I ask,

And YES, it iwll work this way (lan router A to LAN router B )

You should be able to configure the wireless on router B now !

only thing that says client is under wireless settings.

I don't get this. I had it working or so I thought and now it's not working.

only thing that says client is under wireless settings.I don't get this. I had it working or so I thought and now it's not working.
  ok, what did you change after it was working ? This is why I was suggesting starting from beginning, and starting with "wiped" or reset config's on both routers. You should always start from the beginning, set up the modem , first router, get it working , and prove it. SET router B , DHCP off, and make sure the default IP, is NOT the same as router A, just chnge the last octet sets ie.    to    << leave the subnet the same  ie  the 

  ok, what did you change after it was working ? This is why I was suggesting starting from beginning, and starting with "wiped" or reset config's on both routers. You should always start from the beginning, set up the modem , first router, get it working , and prove it. SET router B , DHCP off, and make sure the default IP, is NOT the same as router A, just chnge the last octet sets ie.    to    << leave the subnet the same  ie  the 

that's what I did :(. I am going it again though to make sure I didn't do anything stupid. I have't messed with the main router...no need to correct?

just letting you know I'm still here

As many times as I have done similar things, I sometimes get it backwards, it is not hard to do, this is why I said maybe I did it by telling you to turn DHCP off on the second router, but what it is, is that the second router must get all IP leases from the first one, and be "null" you want to make it like the hub. So all it is, is a set of physical ports.

Just take it slow, and dont change much. Remember, you'll need to make sure oyu power up the devices in order as well.

modem, router A, hub, then router B

As long as router A is default, then that should be ok, it should allow 50 IP's default, and router B is null.

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