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So my 1TB Western Digital Hard Drive is being pretty slow, as of late. Does anyone have anything (tips or whatever) that will help me speed it up? (It's a standard Hard Drive, not an SSD)

I use Windows 7 Pro x64 if you need to know that.



When was the last time you Defrag? I use a program call My Defrag, It does a good job at defraging and it free. http://www.mydefrag.com/ Did you partition the harddrive? My windows7 Pro 64 bit with added software only uses 13GB of space on the harddrive .Make a partition just for the OS and see if that help.

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When was the last time you Defrag? I use a program call My Defrag, It does a good job at defraging and it free. http://www.mydefrag.com/ Did you partition the harddrive? My windows7 Pro 64 bit with added software only uses 13GB of space on the harddrive .Make a partition just for the OS and see if that help.

I just re-partitioned it so that I have a 130~GB partition for the OS (I shrunk it, but I couldn't go any further because of unmovable files), a 349~GB partition for extra storage (Same thing as above, I shrunk it), and the leftover 452~GB partition.

Windows 7 defrags the drive for me every night at 1AM, but I'll look into the program you mentioned.



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Iv'e made the same mistake as yourself, that is falling for the hype of large new HDD's are fast. I used to tell people don't get anything larger then at the most 250 GB drive. My theory was based on working on systems with drives larger then that, no matter how new, for the most part , I've noticed the larger the drive , the longer it takes to seek the data requested.

Of course there'll be a few that say I'm off my rocker , so be it.

I recently decided to go to a 500 GB drive 7200 rpm 3.5 " internal laptop. Dont remember the cache but I'll look it up. Anyhow , it's as slow as the old 160 gig that came with it and was tired. If not slower.

So I stick with my thoughts from what experience i have, sure , larger drive means more capacity, but unless you make your boot partition around or below +/- 100 Gb , your asking for latency. Just partition separate storage drives within , conpress anything you can, and keep everything severely organized, then your golden.

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Yeah, I should reformat the entire thing. Only problem is that it is the only drive in the house that big, and I need about 300 GB to back up everything on it. >.< I guess I'll buy a new one, do it right, and then reformat my old one.

I MIGHT be able to squeeze a little bit more speed out of it. Somehow. I am going to see what I can do tonight, if anything.



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Thats my exact issue right now. i should have thought " hey , your breaking your own rules " by trying to run everything on one partition , but I was excited about my new drive and went head first into a mess. As I too have roughly 275 gigs on a 500 gig drive , everything is backed up on a local server ok , but I dont keep many documents on my local machine , this is almost completely all applications. Yea , I have a mess lol , below is a SS of an app called " Bevy " , it indexes all your apps and prints them out with there icons for you to access. Some may look like duplicates , but there actually not , such as vnc , one is the server , then client ect , you get it. This is just the main drive, there are two others that are loaded as well. If they were connected , Bevy would index them as well.


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