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So I am required by my Vocational School to do a Senior Project next year, and I was wondering if some of you could offer me some assistance.

I can't describe my intent in detail, but I need a few things.

1. An Engineering Program (To allow me to virtually create and emulate water, as well as electronic and physical devices. I need to be able to build a motor in it as well.)

2. An Electronic Engineering Program (I am building a little LED setup that I need to control with a circuit board, and I have no software to simulate this accurately. It only needs basic logic gate functions, AND, OR, NOR, NOT, XOR, NAND, XNOR, etc.)

3. A cheap supplier of steel.

4. A cheap supplier of PlexiGlass.

If anyone knows of any resources that would help me, that would be extremely awesome! I will give you a virtual cookie! :)



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I have found a program that does most of what I want. In light of that, I have designed the electrical part of my setup, and if there are any Electronic Logic Experts here that would like to comment on it, I will gladly discuss it with you in either PM or here.

I have also found a location where I can (most) likely order all of the parts I need, all my Diodes, Transistors, Capacitors and LED's. I also need some Register's but I have no idea where to get those yet.

The next thing I will need is a Clipper (To take a 80-100V AC signal and convert that to a DC pulse) so that I can build the clock. It will also need another register, unless someone knows where I can get a 6-10Hz clock for fairly cheap.



If your getting singles then just use radioshack for the resistors , ( maybe thats old school but that where I used to get everything ) I dont know if they still have rectifiers or not, they've moved to mostly cell phones and garb of the likes.

Yeah, I talked to my Laboratory Instructor today and he said he has the resistors I need. (Shift Resistors)

Me and the other guy on the project went through a discussion today to determine exactly what we wanted to construct for it, so I may not need the steel anymore.

I will still need the PlexiGlass, as well as the other miscellaneous electronics items, which I can (most) likely get from my Lab Instructor.



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