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I just got my phone company Frontier to re-provision me to 6M DS and 768K US but I'm still getting my old 320K US. The DS is smoking, like 5.9M but that US is killing my gaming and streaming music when I do them at the same time. Stupid acks. What would override the provisioning? In my modem stats it shows the 766K US provision but I'm just not getting it on the speed tests and that's coming from both testmy.net sites and the frontier speedtests. I'm stumped. Maybe a DSLAM code that has everyone on the card limited?

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Shouldn't have you limited prior to your boot file.

How long has it been since the new provisioning ? And how many times have you either reset or cycled the power on the modem after the provisioning ?

Remembering that maxing the upload will subtract the total available amount of download bandwidth by x1 +/- any overhead they may have in line. Gaming online will show this outright.

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I just got my phone company Frontier to re-provision me to 6M DS and 768K US but I'm still getting my old 320K US. The DS is smoking, like 5.9M but that US is killing my gaming and streaming music when I do them at the same time. Stupid acks. What would override the provisioning? In my modem stats it shows the 766K US provision but I'm just not getting it on the speed tests and that's coming from both testmy.net sites and the frontier speedtests. I'm stumped. Maybe a DSLAM code that has everyone on the card limited?

with only 768k Up when you stream music you probably won't even see half that left over for gaming of course it all depends on what your downloading said music at, you might look at getting a program like netlimiter to limit your music streaming program to say 200Kb/s you'll probably see a lot better results that way

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I was provisioned at 768K upload 2 days ago, power cycled my modem about 40 times, tried leaving it unplugged for a fairly extended period of time and still nothing. My problem is when I run the upload speed test on the site here and on others it shows 300K and my provision on my modem is showing 766K... I just don't get it, why would the provision say one thing and then do another? I run all these test hooked straight into the modem with no wireless on, I'm the only user on the line and it still shows 300K (multiple speed test sites, including here and ISP and others). My SNR is about 20 and solid, my US attenuation is 13, we're running Calix C7's up here for DSLAM'S with PPPoA.... Whats the problem? Am I missing something?


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I was provisioned at 768K upload 2 days ago, power cycled my modem about 40 times, tried leaving it unplugged for a fairly extended period of time and still nothing. My problem is when I run the upload speed test on the site here and on others it shows 300K and my provision on my modem is showing 766K... I just don't get it, why would the provision say one thing and then do another? I run all these test hooked straight into the modem with no wireless on, I'm the only user on the line and it still shows 300K (multiple speed test sites, including here and ISP and others). My SNR is about 20 and solid, my US attenuation is 13, we're running Calix C7's up here for DSLAM'S with PPPoA.... Whats the problem? Am I missing something?


could be a routing issue try from the DC Server

edit: scratch that i see you already did.. hmm i'd definately call them about it

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I got the local tech's cell phone number, I'm gonna call him and tell him that they raised my provision and see what he says about it. I called tech support and they just wanted to run me through the Rolodex which I have done 40 times and can quote to them faster than they can flip cards. They raised me to a level 2 tech and she acted like I was stealing from the company because my area isn't designated for 6M DS, I was like that's not what the FCC told your boss LOL. She had an attitude problem so I tried to keep my cool and get a level 3 tech but it didn't work, she kept going round and round with me and then changed the subject and tried to sell me dish network! I was like wtfrack? Where did TV come from here? I want my BANDWIDTH NAO!!!!!!!! RAWR!!!!!


Edited by RandellH
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I got the local tech's cell phone number, I'm gonna call him and tell him that they raised my provision and see what he says about it. I called tech support and they just wanted to run me through the Rolodex which I have done 40 times and can quote to them faster than they can flip cards. They raised me to a level 2 tech and she acted like I was stealing from the company because my area isn't designated for 6M DS, I was like that's not what the FCC told your boss LOL. She had an attitude problem so I tried to keep my cool and get a level 3 tech but it didn't work, she kept going round and round with me and then changed the subject and tried to sell me dish network! I was like wtfrack? Where did TV come from here? I want my BANDWIDTH NAO!!!!!!!! RAWR!!!!!


hahahaha that sir is epic, however when you don't get a tech that's helpful its easy thank them for their time, hang up, and redial you'll need to find someone who is more helpful and if you don't get someone that is say okay can i speak to your supervisor? and if he's not helpful ask for a number for his supervisor after all your the customer. also give that tech a call it couldn't hurt right?

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See my straight up download speed is solid, I get about 5.6M to Dallas, but Frontier's office is in Rochester, NY so I kinda expected DC to be a little better and it is.... Like I said though, throw in some acks and this flies all to pieces. dRcBfjg.png

I'm putting my money on that local tech, if he needs me to make a trouble ticket I'll just call tech support and pretend to go through the Rolodex until they finally put in a ticket for me.

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want to see something disgusting? i get better speeds to DC aswell and i'm in Arizona >.<





yeah tech support is annoying, when they ask me if i've done such and such my answer is always yes because i'm not some noobie i always check my own equipment first before i make a call

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Wow thats crazy! Apparently they got a really solid server setup and network infrastructure in DC. I know I can stroke my ego ever so slightly by hitting the DC mirror lol.

well my route is screwy atm my dc route still passes through dallas but via softlayer and my route to dallas uses above.net so i'm guessing the problem lies with them

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Let me suggest that the modem be left powered on , not restarted or tweaked in any way , for at least 3-5 days. It used to be the standard time period for allowing for synchronization. If this is changed , it's been some time since I personally used a DSL connection.

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Let me suggest that the modem be left powered on , not restarted or tweaked in any way , for at least 3-5 days. It used to be the standard time period for allowing for synchronization. If this is changed , it's been some time since I personally used a DSL connection.

It hasn't but usually you wouldn't still see the old cap but yeah it can take up to 72 hours for the modem to fully sync

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OK, I'll let it go the rest of the weekend and call the local tech back monday. I called him today but he said he was covered up in stuff and told me to call him back this afternoon and I got busy and forgot, so that'll be good, give it a few days to see if it corrects itself and if not I can give him the call back I owe him.

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Well, he made some calls and still nothing. He said he is out of work right now due to a death in the family, but he would be back soon and would see what else he could do. Everyone say a prayer or cross your fingers, whichever you prefer... or both for good measure. For his family and for mah uploadz.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a tech from Texas come out with the local tech today and they put a new filter on the front of the house and a new modem on me and the guy from Texas checked it with his old dell laptop and it was there, so he told me to flush my DNS. Well I did this and nothing, still 318... so I went to speedguide.net and analyzed the connection and downloaded the latest driver for my ethernet adapter(nvidia.com), which is onboard nvidia gigabit. I started looking and all kinds of strange setting in the nvidia software were enabled and I was like.. wtf, I wont want any of that crap. So I disabled it all and rebooted and wah-lah! Here she is....yHrVdlY.png

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