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My connection is now primed..... Comcast workplace

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you have to be downloading a ton of stuff to reach that.... I was hooked on linux distros a few months ago... I download 3 complete distros each about 1.8gb and never heard anything from Comcast...

The invisible caps you are talking about are set at about ...

(This is for the Phoenix Cox system... but should be about the same throughout the industry)

256 Kbps/256 Kbps Cable - ~15-20 GB/month

3 Mbps/256 Kbps Cable - ~40-50 GB/month

4 Mbps/256 Kbps Cable - ~50-60 GB/month

But if you go over that they aren't going to ban you or anything... they only have that implemented so they could add something in their TOS [terms of service] --- so they will have something in their TOS to point to for the people that suck down like hundreds of GB/month -- the people who suck up that much bandwidth but they have yet to nail them for movies or MP3s ~~~ with as much bandwidth as the give ya to play with, you could almost download that 1.8GB file once a day and still be cool. And like I said they aren't going to kill your connection ~ because it's not a cap... it is simply a suggestion.

I have 4 computers in my house right now, and I would think that with all the transfer that goes on in this house I am pulling over 80-100 GB/month at least ~ nobody has talked to me....


  • 2 weeks later...

I would agree with pmpn4lfe! The downloads are awesome! but the uploads are like 56k compaired to the download... Hell i get over 4000kbs down but only 250kbs up!?! what is with that... come on comcast get the act together.... make it atleast 300ish or maybe 1000kbs... that would be good! I dont think that it is unreasonable for the upload the be 1/4th of the speed of the download... :roll::lol:

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