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I am trying to run an 'auto' test over a day or two in order to confirm that my broadband speed is very unstable, which I believe it is. I set up the test to run every 15 minutes for 100 cycles, and start the test. The page changes to one which says it is downloading some data, and a progress bar moves across the screen. Then the mouse pointer goes to the "busy" hourglass state, and after half a minute a dialog box appears saying:

"To display the webpage again, Internet Explorer needs to resend the information you have prevously submitted", and there are two buttons: "Retry" and "Cancel".


Pressing Retry only results in the dialog box re-appearing half a minute or so later.


Obviously I cannot sit here pressing the button for 25 hours, and I don't think the test is proceeding anyway. Please help: how do I stop this box and get the test to run?


O/S is Windows XP SP3, I.E. version is 8.0.6001.


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  • 2 months later...

I am running into the same issue as original poster.

-3 different sites

-3 different operating systems (Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 7)

-Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10

-4 different computers.


However, running it on Firefox or Chrome seem to work. Even older versions.

I am running into the same issue as original poster.

-3 different sites

-3 different operating systems (Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 7)

-Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10

-4 different computers.


However, running it on Firefox or Chrome seem to work. Even older versions.

What am I missing when you say three different sites? The mirriors? If so , which ones. 

What am I missing when you say three different sites? The mirriors? If so , which ones. 


Sorry, Sites meaning different buildings/offices. In this case even cities.

So far the machines that have have testmy.net running with firefox and chrome are working well

Awesome site/tool. I will be sharing this.


Thank you

No way for me to not be repettetive in posting, but i would start by disabling addons that could effect the way the page reloads, or all addons completely, re running the test. 


Considering the OP wrote "To display the webpage again, Internet Explorer needs to resend the information you have prevously submitted", and there are two buttons: "Retry" and "Cancel".


Which sounds like a cache issue locally in a very old version of IE, which might be resolved by resetting security settings to default. As testmy.net does not require any specific or special items from the browser. 

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