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that's strange, i've never heard of that. have you had any other weird things like that? i noticed recently i turned my desktop on and the narrator was on and wouldnt shut the hell up. i had to reboot again to get it turned off.

  • 3 weeks later...
On 24/11/2015 at 3:36 AM, CA3LE said:


Loads up fine in opera 33 on my computers.  


TestMy.net requires javascript for most things.  Add [*.]testmy.net and tmnstatic.com (which is a domain used to serve much of the static js content) to your JavaScript exceptions.  You should trust TMN by now.



Under Opera Preferences > Websites > Javascript Exceptions


Personally... I'd never disable javascript.  You're seriously crippling your internet experience if you do.  Nearly every site uses javascript these days to some degree... you may be missing out on much more than you realize if you turn js off for all sites.

i use an older version of  opera (presto) for reading mostly text & some images, and RSS feeds. i'm still pissed that opera removed most of its features when it jumped to webkit.

  • 8 months later...
On 11/24/2015 at 11:31 AM, StandsWithStik said:

web... damn the javascript in tbhis new board code is madly slow in opera. and the reply box doesn't work with javascript turned off.



Personally... I'd never disable javascript.  You're seriously crippling your internet experience if you do.


The forum software is indeed slow. A number of forums have changed the engines within last one or two years, and become slower and more difficult to use. The owners would probably say that they had to update in order to have a "supported" version. I'm sure that the main reason for these updates is to make the sites look like Twitter and Google Plus - "flat", and with strange terms like "content" and "follow" in place of common words like post, thread and subscription. For similar reasons flat "metro" design exists, and applications like CCleaner are compelled to change. Several people complained about MSFN's change of the board engine, and the reduced flexibility of formatting. (It is not possible to access a BBCode view in most new forums to compose long posts with multiple quote elements.) And despite that a major purpose of that board is to support Windows 98/2000 (never mind XP), they went forward and updated the forum anyway. Their site is a higher profile one... Some small forums still exist in 2016, running on vBulletin or older phpBB.


Proponents of flat, metro, material, xaml and social media style UI's will still claim that they are faster to render, when the opposite is obviously the case.


Disabling of JavaScript is still very useful on the modern web, and it can improve the experience. Most sites are indeed dynamic and require it, even if they could have been faster and more accessible if they were designed [without scripting]. Every once in a while I come over a site that does the following: after a few seconds or when I scroll down, the site spawns a frame of text that obstructs half of the screen asking me to "register to continue reading" or "sign up to a newsletter"; if I have blocked advertisements, they might redirect me to another page or dim all text, or it might interfere with scrolling, or prevent selecting, copying or right-clicking. In Opera, I can press F12 and disable JavaScript or referrer sending as soon as the page has loaded, and enable it back on when I'm done – without accessing Settings or downloading extensions.


Maybe Opera should have changed their brand name when they released an entirely different product. "Opium" is more appropriate.


I can still input a plain text reply in Opera, but any formatting exercises my patience.

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