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TMN text and expressions: does 'host' = 'provider' ?

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I'm sure some will find this nit picky. Sorry, I have to ask. Pasted from a test result, see the word Host on the button. That word is highly overloaded. I just want to confirm my assumption that it means ISP infrastructure. When I press that button, it is not immediately apparent to me what I'm looking at exactly. I am still hunting for the help page that describes it.


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"Host" means "your ISP"


When you click that the comparison graph on the bottom of your test results changes to show the most recent results from your ISP (or host... they 'host' your internet connection).  Clicking "My Saved Results" will change that same graph to show your own results only.  These settings stick so when you re-test it will remember your last choice.


Welcome to TestMy.net by the way!    ?

I think it's probably fine. Especially if I am the 1st and only to ever ask. Admittedly, I am not the best at associating a meaning via context. I liked what you said; "Host = ISP because they are hosting my internet connection." Given that I was operating a web test on a web test site, the simplest explanation would be the one you intended. Though I will say, my second guessing arose from the possibility that TNM may have captured my domain and used it to test the connection speeds to the Host that Hosts my websites or the  Host that Hosts my email, etc. However, reading further I now Know there are a fixed set of participating servers. (hosts) :-)

"Server" is another one of those words.


As a sidebar I will tell you that the section on improving connection speed was good. I found a couple of not nice things on my Windows box after reading that.

And, as I read through the section on DNS - I was forced to learn a lot more about DHCP than I ever wanted to know. I was hosting DHCP on my router for the LAN but all it was doing was using DHCP pass through from the ISP so I was still getting their DNS, and so forth and so on.


Anyway - great site. I love this test. I run it every morning.


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