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  1. CA3LE's post in Downloading general test results was marked as the answer   
    First, All of the the database results are from TestMy.net only.
    There are also several ways you can programmatically extract the averages.
    I'll use Comcast as an example but this works for locations as well.
    Basic json of what you see rendered on Comcast's hoststats page
    CSV output to file
    CSV output rendered in page
    You can also specify how far back and output the averages
    Note for the output, I use pipes (e.g. " | ") as a separator.  Below I'm adding line breaks to make it easier to read. 
    "April 2022","May 2022","June 2022","July 2022","August 2022","September 2022","October 2022","November 2022","December 2022","January 2023","February 2023","March 2023","April 2023","May 2023","June 2023","July 2023","August 2023","September 2023","October 2023","November 2023","December 2023","January 2024","February 2024","March 2024" |219.5,192.5,190.6,156.1,157,210.8,165.5,224,215.5,215.5,209.6,168.4,206.6,203.6,220.9,270.5,272.4,218.3,244.9,240.8,299.5,249.9,312.7,190.5 |9.9,17.4,15.2,16,14.6,17.7,37.1,16.5,13.6,15.6,17.7,17.1,18.6,14.2,21.3,22.1,22.9,24.2,27.8,34.1,28.1,25.7,26.7,22.9 |'NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL',95,92,89,92,123,107,91,114,104,75,119,81,127,79,78,106,82,76,97,89,95,194,71,61  
    Translates to...
    Date Field |Download |Upload |Latency  
    You can make a simple program to CURL and parse that output, explode and then make arrays out of the data.  Make sure you set a reasonable limit to how often you query or it will be seen as a threat.
    And please share with others where you're getting your data.  TMN is 100% word of mouth.   
  2. CA3LE's post in 1 minute interval for auto testing? was marked as the answer   
    @jpknuuti -- I like that use case.  You now have special access to 1 auto minute testing.  Please let me know if this helps!
    As long as you're signed in this will work.
  3. CA3LE's post in How to separate results via router? was marked as the answer   
    If you go to My Settings you can add an identifier. 

    Select something like "Location 1" when you're connected to router #1... then "Location 2" for the second.  You can then filter your results by identifier under My Results.
    Let me know if this helps.
  4. CA3LE's post in Speedtest Leaderboards for Members was marked as the answer   
    Hi xCon, welcome!
    You weren't ranking before because you need to have recent upload and download test results.  Once you logged that upload result you were on the leaderboard within 15 minute.  
    Just be fast and test both upload and download and you'll hit the Fastest Members list.
  5. CA3LE's post in test speed error was marked as the answer   
    When you ping or trace testmy.net it goes to cloudflare CDN.  Target servers directly by location.  For you Dallas is the closest.
  6. CA3LE's post in Project-Based Result Aggregation was marked as the answer   
    This is now available for all beta testers.
    Look for "My Projects" under DB in the main menu (outside of the forum).
  7. CA3LE's post in I Think Blocks should be Larger was marked as the answer   
    Click [Customize] then select 500 MB max. 
    I may change the default after we get going.
  8. CA3LE's post in Multithreaded test intermittently running linear tests was marked as the answer   
    I see what you're saying.  I guess there was a dual issue.  When I hit retest on the auto test each time it flopped back and forth -- linear, multi, linear, multi -- give it a try again, should be resolved.   ... that is, unless there's a third way I messed it up.
  9. CA3LE's post in How is download speed calculated? was marked as the answer   
    TiP measurements are times taken while the test is running.  So the 10% TiP for instance you're measuring the time from start to 10%.
    Example from your results ::

    So, at 10% you downloaded 20 MB and you did it in 7.32 seconds so your speed is 23.96 Mbps.  They are sub-times but in the end those times do not affect the overall result, they're a reference and aid to help you understand how the test data flowed.
  10. CA3LE's post in Huge download test result hiccup was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for reporting this, you've given great information that I can use to make the test better.  I'll try to break it the same way in development and work to make it throw an error instead of calculating a result in that instance.
    The result has been removed from the database, so your stats look clean again.  
    Thank yo so much for the support.
  11. CA3LE's post in Combined speed test shows wrong time zone was marked as the answer   
    You posted it alright, I was able to see the issue it just disappeared right away because it only took a second to fix.
    Now I see the same thing in EBrown's sig.

    ... except this time it was missing that update all together.  Updated.
  12. CA3LE's post in Default Graphed Results. was marked as the answer   
    Here's how it works.  You modify your query to show the way you want... then click "Share This Query" under the graph.  The resulting link will display the page to others the way you see it.
    Here's what I get when I do max results.

    https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&l=100&q=dpitman You only have 86 results right now so max results are 100.  As you test more the link above will only show the first 100.  Change 100 to 1000 and you can extend that.
    Hope this helps
  13. CA3LE's post in 96KB test shown as 96MB in results was marked as the answer   
    Hi editorsean!  Thank you for pointing that out.  What you're seeing is a long standing quirk... a bug but it's funny why it's there.
    The original design of the database was not well thought out.  Instead of doing it over an accepting that I did it wrong the first time I instead wrote around the issues.  One of the issues was that the field for test size was originally stored in kB... but the saved information was only allowed to be 5 characters long.  So to express anything over 99,999 kB was impossible.  Altering the massive database was not an option at the time, it would have required too much downtime.  I also didn't want anyone to lose their results.  So I started storing by MB in some instances and by kB in others.  So 200 MB will save as "200" -- 400 kB saves as "400" 50 MB is saved as "51200".  The newer databases are correctly storing the data by kB but they're largely behind the scenes right now.  Eventually it won't have to store in tricky ways.  ...When the TMN database (mySQL driven) was first started I had absolutely no knowledge of databasing... I'm sure I still do it the wrong way but it's working on a large scale and takes little resources so I can't complain.  Keep learning and keep improving.  
  14. CA3LE's post in Has Russia changed its flag? was marked as the answer   
    That's to tell you the server you're testing against.  You're in Russia and the test server is in Great Britain.
  15. CA3LE's post in Can old test results be mass deleted? was marked as the answer   
    Took me a while to get to it... but you can now mass delete.  Select check boxes next to the result or select all at the top.  Execute with the delete button at the top.

    This is something I just added quickly.  Later, I'll make a small floating options list pop up that will have organize and delete options when you check boxes.  For now... this is WAY better than the previous one... at... a... time... delete.
  16. CA3LE's post in Middle Variance? was marked as the answer   
    Those colors slide down the RGB scale.  Red being the worse and blue being better.  Although, sometimes little variance is bad... like sometimes if you encounter a bottleneck along your route.  So use your best judgment, don't always go off the color. 
    e.g. Say you have a 50 Mbps connection but you're scoring only 12 Mbps... BUT the TiP is showing only 5% variance.  It's going to show up blue.  Obviously you know that something isn't right because you're supposed to have 50 Mbps.  What the test saw however is a steady transfer...
    You can have a steady clean connection that is limited... just make sure to judge your result in its entirety, the color is only a hint to how steady the connection was... not an indication of if it was a good result or not.
    Here's one in red that I wouldn't consider bad... 67% middle variance

    ... it could have done better, here's a result taken at the same time on a different device. 25% middle variance

    Is either one of the above bad?  I personally don't think so.  But I think it's obvious which performed better.  Hint: Just like in a drag race, it's usually the one that accelerated the fastest.  As long as there aren't bumps in the road.
    Funny story, testing at the same time were a pair of identical LG G2's.  One was bogged down with programs running and the other was the better result above. 
    Here's the result from the bogged down phone.

    Now that's a rough ride... something she had running was ruining her connection.  Hint: pattern variance (like this example) is usually a major indication to an underlying issue. 
    She opened the task manager and closed all programs and retested...

    ... almost mirrored the result of the other phone.  Both beat my i5s

    Note: In case you didn't know.  TiP is measured from 5% to 95% ... the middle of that (or 10% to 90%) is the middle.  The variance within that is the middle variance.  ... so a large burst or drop off at the beginning or end will not effect the middle variance.
    I hope this answers your questions and then some about TiP.  It's something I made up and never really explained.  I guess I'm always aiming to build something that doesn't need explaining.  ... I'll keep working at it. 
  17. CA3LE's post in how can i build my Server Selection in a test hyperlink? was marked as the answer   
    Alright, sorry it took me a while to check into this.
    So I have an easy solution... it's already built to handle this.  All you have to do is add &testServer=east to the end of that URL.  If you go to the speed test mirror page you can get the names for all of the servers from the 'set default' buttons. I didn't specifically design that to work with the auto test... but it does.  It's all one large program, so that command flows right over to the auto test.  Pretty cool, I didn't even have to do anything.  
  18. CA3LE's post in TMN or Browser glitch ? was marked as the answer   
    No problem... I love building this and that so many people find it useful.
    It may have been a weird glitch in the browser that caused the client-side javascript to lag... resulting in the time being started late... resulting in an inflated score.
    I put a comments in the results program detailing a method I think I could use to make sure it never happens again.  I'll work it in later, as you can see by your other results it's an infrequent occurrence.  ...I'd bet money that it was a client-side browser hiccup.  But I think that I can detect it, in a fairly simple way... ...if I can detect it, I can calculate it out or start a new test.
    Thanks for letting me know, you really help by reporting things like that.
  19. CA3LE's post in To leave on or turn off modem. That is the question? was marked as the answer   
    The hard drive should be fine.  I've left drives on for years without sleeping them... it might even sleep after not being in use for a while.  Listen for it.  I assume you're talking about a mechanical hard drive.  ... As long as they aren't dropped and they stay cool they can spin for many years without any problems... non-stop.
    Also, don't turn your modem and router off.  You're only wasting minutes out of your day.  They too can usually stay on, sometimes for years without needing to be reset.  Your modem grabs updates in the middle of the night sometimes from your ISP, it can't do that if it's off.  When you power it back on it will get the updates but it wastes your time.  Just leave it on.  I do.  My modems, network, hard drives and computers are on 24/7 and I rarely have issues. Keep your hardware free of dust because that's like a blanket... keep object off the vents.  Electronics can theoretically run forever as long as they don't overheat or get corroded.  A mechanical hard drive and fans obviously will wear out but you can still get many years out of them running nonstop if you buy quality hardware.
    I tried the usb hard drive thing on my router and it pissed me off.  It was slow and stupid feeling.  Maybe the new routers are better. Is it USB 3.0?  ... if the hard drive sounds active a lot and really hot I'd probably put a flash drive on there instead... otherwise leave the larger mechanical drive.  And leave it on always.  If you're putting important information on it. Make sure you have a solid backup strategy.  It doesn't take much to lose everything... I had a 2TB drive, thought I was safe... kids knocked it off a >1ft tall shelf and broke it. It fell onto shag carpet and still broke it!  You can hear the platters just flying around in there, sounds more like a rattle than a hard drive now.  :-/  ---- but before that it ran without turning off for hundreds of days... with lots of access.
  20. CA3LE's post in 2 Small Issues with the site. was marked as the answer   
    You could try loading up a different browser in the background for your tests if it's an issue. What I do sometimes is run Firefox with TMN's automatic speed test and then use Chrome for browsing. Then you don't have to worry about closing the browser on accident and you can clear your cookies without an issue.

    I just ran a few auto tests with extraID and it's working fine so it's probably because your clearing your cookies thoughout the day.
  21. CA3LE's post in core.3454 - multiple files per day @ 5.2 MB/each dumped in / was marked as the answer   
    That's a core dump bro. ref http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/website-troubleshooting/what-are-core-dumps -- hope that helps
  22. CA3LE's post in TiP Data graphing per Result was marked as the answer   
    Okay... I'm a jackass.    I got a chance to look deeper into this. Ened up that I had a variable set to tell it to only display for me... just me specifically. I often do that when I work because I work on the site live with traffic. I have it only display things for me so I can debug them before they go live. Seems I forgot to remove the variable from one little area, all it takes to turn it all off. Lol, nobody's even seen the TiP graph outside of the results page.     Sometimes the late nights get to me, human error.

    Should be working for everyone now. At least I know it works good before it truly went live, it's been working without an issue perfectly for me since I released it.  I still can't believe I missed that for this long. Thanks for trying to let me know over a week ago. Sorry I was too busy to get into until just now.

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