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A Command Line utility would be great


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I would love to have a command line utility that can be run, and output put to a file where every line can display details date of test, upload and download minimum and maximum results on a single line


That way I can automate the process and get a result over a period and average this out.

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You can do quick download tests with wget from terminal using TestMy.net's URL method.


wget -O /dev/null https://dallas.testmy.net/dl-10MB

(-O /dev/null pipes the output to RAM instead of disk)


wget https://dallas.testmy.net/dl-10MB

(saves to disk, like a normal download)


rm dl-* -f

(make sure to clear tmp files if you saved to disk)


If you want to automate the process over a period and average everything out... I recommend using the Automatic Speed Test -- TMN is specifically designed for this purpose.  I think you'll find the My Average Tool quite handy for querying and averaging longer periods of time.

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