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I'm not a huge fan of GoFundMe, but unfortunately our Golden Retriever has been diagnosed with cancer of the jaw and needs his lower jaw removed.


Less than 2 years ago, we had to have both of his eyes removed, which was extremely costly and stretched us very thin.


Unfortunately, we ran out, thanks in part to the pandemic and could use any help possible.


I am asking for help(with asking for help) more than directly asking for monetary help.  Perhaps someone knows someone who is loaded and loves animal's?  Or someone with a large social media following could pass on the link?


While we are not sure we want to do surgery(for non financial reasons), we are in the unfortunate position of not really having that choice in our financial reality at the moment.


Thank you for any help you can offer.







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Damn bro.. ? Im so sorry to hear that. I wish i was in a position to help, cause i surely would. Covid has hit hard financially for me as well, and with 4 (adopted) dogs of my own and daughter... There's just not much left. I hope the best for you, thats tough

I appreciate it...


We don't want to even ask, but don't want to miss an opportunity that may come along.  Maybe someone will win Mega Millions and feel generous...


We are gravitating towards not doing the surgery due to a combination of him already having no eyes and having already gone through one major surgery recently, plus his age.


The chances of them getting it all out are about 50/50 and if they don't, surgery could actually give him less time.  And if everything goes perfect, it may give him an extra 6 months vs doing nothing.  But how much of those 6 months are learning how to eat/drink all over again after just learning how to live with no eyes. In reality, he may get 3 extra quality months.


If it were a million dollars, the answer would be simple, because we couldn't do it.  We could do the 5k to 7k, if we put ourselves in a dangerous position, considering all factors.  But each time we talk about it, we come to a decision without factoring the money.  This makes me think we are making the right decision, but are we subconsciously letting the cost effect our other viewpoints?


If we do nothing, since at the moment it is not causing discomfort, it could be 6 months before it becomes a problem.  At which point we would have to make that tough call.


It's one of those times where doing nothing seems to be the right thing when we weigh everything, but doing nothing always seems wrong at the same time.


Do you spend money you don't really have for an unknown amount of time, the quality of which you don't know?  Or do you try to maintain the current quality and enjoy the remaining time?


Thanks to an old accident, I tend to be able to back away from my emotions and decide based purely on statistics, but with the dog, I just can't.  I have no kids, so they are my kids.  I know that most times, I will outlive them, but even after times like these, it still seems worth it.


I wish he could tell us what he wants...


If you were an old man, who was already blind, would you want to relearn how to eat and drink, while missing your lower jaw for a 50/50 chance at an extra few months?


I can't say for sure I would want that.  A nice nap sounds better to me...


It's the unfortunate reality of owning a pet.  But the eye surgery really hit us out of nowhere, and this was coming off major expenses paying for the other Golden's cancer treatments which game him an extra 6 months.


Covid just kicked us in the balls while we were just getting back up.


We also just found out the black lab has diabetes insipidus, which took a while to figure out..So he is now on $90 a bag food and a pill a day to keep from dehydrating, not matter how much water he drinks.


The saddest part is that the black lab can't be apart from the Golden for a minute without crying and then becoming vocal.  He adjusted to his play buddy losing his eyes really well, though he misses how they used to play.


I just don't know how we are going to comfort the black lab...?




maahhnnn... ?  Trust me. i know where your at. We've had alot of dogs over the years.. at one point 7 at the time. Its always tough having to make such a decision. Personally, i think spending the last few months / years with him would be the best route. You are correct, the sugary would be 50/50 and 90% of the time it spreads more rapidly afterwards. I've had 3 dogs with cancer. 2 got surgery and they died very shortly after. 1 we let go ( it was behind his left eye) for years. Years before we put him down. He was in 0 pain, but it had gotten into his brain causing nosebleeds. That was tough. Very tough...he wagged his tail all the way down to the very last minute. Like he knew. He was 14 years old, but still acted and felt like a puppy. It is also hard on the other dog(s) when one doesn't come home. its unavoidable. After a short while, we usually went down to the rescue and adopted another, to keep the other company/companionship.  It's never feasible to put yourself or family in jeopardy tho, that is for sure. Especially for a second time. Pups had a good, long life.... as long hard as it is, you have to say goodbye sometimes. Its for the best on all parties. 



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