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Out with Suddenlink and in with Optimum.

So far, so good. But can they keep it up?

I surely hope so.


I first found out Optimum was my new ISP ( was Suddenlink) when charges from somebody I did not recognize started hitting my bank. I told the bank that I had never heard of Optimum and please stop paying them until I can figure it out. Fortunately I did figure it out before my internet was cut off --


Has anyone other than myself noticed any improvement ? I certainly have. I have TestMy results dating back to 2019 that show the network speeds are still about the same. But, my experiences dealing with them-  the service and support departments created when the companies merged have been remarkably improved. I had planned to cut and run when the first viable alternative became available. Now, I'm gonna stay, and give these new guys a chance.

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Same for me.

Suddenlink sold out to Optimum.

Everything is the same as far as I can tell.

The TestMy speedtests show suddenlink.

I got above my paid speed for Dallas but much slower to Australia.


One thing I find odd about the switch:

The email address stays @suddenlink.net

Optimum says this is correct.

I believe it should have became @optimum.net .


(My email address is not [email protected] I do not know where a email would go if sent there.

But not to me.)

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Just to see what it would detect I tested with my Opera browser set to VPN (Asia).

Instead of Suddenlink  the results show Oprea Mini.

The test still does not show Optimum.

I believe this is caused by Optimum not doing all the cleanup they should for the change from Suddenlink.

I usually do not test with the VPN on because it is always slower.

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