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OBS Still dropping Frames Set to 20Mbps of a 300Mbps Upload Need suggestion/Major help

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So like the title states when streaming at a setting of 20Mbps of a 300Mbps internet tier I am getting dropped frames, Dropped frames with OBS is all Network

You can see by my speed tests I am getting better upload than 300 Mbps on every test 

I went and exchanged my old Gateway with a new one saturday and when I first got in connected I could not even stream at 6 Mbps (Which was the reason for the gateway replacement) Somehow the Xfinity Authorization only completed half way so I had to do the process again and that time it worked 

I originally did a stream sat night at 20Mbps with not a single issue but yesterday it started acting up at 20 so I dropped to 14 and it was stable and slowly worked my way to 18 Mbps

With a 300Mbps upload speed I should easily be able to do the max Youtube allows which is 51Mbps (51000Kbps)

It sure seems to me that even though they advertise the speed at 300Mbps and can do that for the Speed tests or short  (like 30 or so seconds) they are not at all stable at longer periods using consistent uploads.


So the help I need is how to figure out what may be causing this as well as possible tools I can use to upload data and figure out at what speed it basically falls on its face (stops uploading properly) I have the data from OBS but woudl like a second source as I probably need to deal with Xfinity Customer service and from all my other experiences it will be them claiming all is good and me showing them how that is BS and they need to figure out what is up and fix it ASAP 

I am Hardwired to the gateway using a 2500 (2.5Gb Nic on my Desktop) and I know it is connected as 2500/2500 according to the Network Link speed data on my computer.

From what I have read the info says to only use up to 75% of your upload speed so I am well under that  at 16.67% 


Thanks in advance. 




I think you might be running into a encoding issue rather than a data limitations issue.


Lets start ruling that out beforehand.

Can you give us a full speclist of your system and what you're streaming?

I know it is not an encoding issue as OBS separates that out in the Stats

0 Frames missed due to Rendering Lag

0 Frames Skipped due to Encoding Lag

The issue shows dropped Frames (Network) and when I looked that up it showed that means it is waiting to long for a reply from the server to send more data. 

I will get a list of my Hardware for you just in case though


ROG STRIX Z 490-E Gaming MB

Core i7 10700K running at 5.2 Ghz all cores

32Gb Corsair Ram running at 3200 Mhz

ROG STRIX RTX 3060 Ti OC V2 GPU running at 2100Mhz VRAM at 18002 Mhz 

2.5Ghz Network on MB

Xfinity Gig + or ++ Highest Tier in my Area supposed to be 2100 Down and 300 Up.

I am Streaming using OBS 31.0.2 to Youtube of Anything I do on iRacing at 1440P

Thanks  for the Help



Edited by spudler_t

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