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I finally found out there is a WISP in my area, and a tower that I can almost see from my roof. I don't know whether to switch to this company (Redmoon). They offer 768 kps both ways for 39.99 a month. The ping latency is fast enough to play games. I have asked people who have their service what their ping latency is, and all have been between 20ms - 90ms. There is no installation fee, and they install a free linksys router. The dish that goes on the roof is 4 inches in length and width. Should I switch?

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Cancel then run, run as fast as you can......do not look back!

The upload speed you mentioned would cost you near $300 with a sat and would still have high latency issues bad for anything. The slightly slower download is still going to give you faster/snappy web browsing because of faster ping times.

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I might just give it away if this WISP works out. It has all good reviews, but still. Who knows I might be running back with a camel.

Hook up to the new system to see if you like it first then cancel DW.

I see you only have one test logged at 382Kbps down? You should have been getting much better than that. Most useres on a 4000 are getting around 1.5MBps down. I still think Direcway would like to see the 4000 users at a minimum to zero in the near future...just my theory.

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I just recently reformated and ran new cable to the modems. I never tweaked anything, and never installed any of the windows updates (I planned on installing gentoo as soon as DSL was available). They have it like 1/2 mile up the road. I was getting around 1700kbps when I was tweaking everything. If you want I can login to my mydirecway account and show you my test speeds.

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the test found at mydirecway shows me at around 300Kbps up...now testmy net shows me at best ever 113kbps up, lately my uploads here are around 60 sometimes 90. I go to my email account send a digital pic around 800KB note the time it takes to send it:

A connection of 300Kbps = 36.62KB/sec aprox. take the file 22seconds to upload.

A connection of 60Kbps =7.32KB/sec apox. take the file 110seconds (this ones is correct)

to me its very clear that the test at mydirecway has a few grains of sand in it!

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