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Reh Can you give me any details on hos to acheive the combining of 2 i guess services into one

SO basically he combined a comcast line 6/768 and aol 9.0 with wat evcer speeds and acheived 10.8 mps i just dont see what he could have done

i have read some on bridging is that a possibility.?

When he said 'combined', i dont think he actually put the two together.  His connection was probably just Comcast and he was using the AOL 9.0 software WITH his comcast connection.  It's kinda like using MSN with verizion service; essentially, ur connection is from verizon and your just using the MSN software.

After looking at his speed test history, that appears to be a cached test, his tests usually ranged in the 4-5mb range.

Reh Can you give me any details on hos to acheive the combining of 2 i guess services into one

Look at my topic called Dual Modems with Midpoint Software.


After looking at his speed test history, that appears to be a cached test, his tests usually ranged in the 4-5mb range.

Look at my topic called Dual Modems with Midpoint Software.


REH, I downloaded that Midpoint Software and tried it with this machine, two NICs with two separate ISPs. The program isn't designed to 'combine' the bandwidth of the two services. It will select one as a default and use the second as a 'failsafe'. That is to say that if one of the services should slow down or fall out completely, it will switch over to the other (faster)service without missing a beat. This program can and will decrease your download and upload times by splitting the files and sending them or receiving them over two pipes instead of one. This works a lot like a download manager does, in making multiple connections to a server.

In addition, the software can be used to set up a firewall and act as a NAT with out the use of a router. All the down stream computers are connected with a switch. This would work well in an office environment where you might want to use a computer as a NAT and firewall instead of a router to feed other comps in the office with broadband. Why do this instead of just using a router? A router will distribute the broadband equally among all connections. With the computer as a NAT, you can run software that can monitor and or/restrict broadband usage, basically assigning a local cap on individual computers or applications. (This is done at the office where I work, streaming video for video conferencing takes priority over say... surfing ebay or checking Hotmail.

I think some of the folks here have gotten the idea that this program will increase their stats. It is a very good program for what it does. But it is not designed to combine two broadband connections for the purpose of increasing your connection speeds..or improving your stats. For general surfing, it only uses one pipe, the fastest one.

I've been doing some reading about bridging with WinXP SP2. Bridging in XP was designed to combine workgroups for the purposes of file sharing or internet sharing, not for combining broadband  connections. Altrhough it will result in an increase in speed when configured properly on small home networks. Bridging broadband connections on large networks like schools or corporate setups, usually do not work and will actual result in a decrease in performance.

Give it time, though. I have no doubt that someone will come up with a way to do it.

REH, I downloaded that Midpoint Software and tried it with this machine, two NICs with two separate ISPs. The program isn't designed to 'combine' the bandwidth of the two services. It will select one as a default and use the second as a 'failsafe'. That is to say that if one of the services should slow down or fall out completely, it will switch over to the other (faster)service without missing a beat. This program can and will decrease your download and upload times by splitting the files and sending them or receiving them over two pipes instead of one. This works a lot like a download manager does, in making multiple connections to a server.

You have misunderstood how midpoint works. Midpoint will not help out on these speed tests because you are downloading one file, and one file only. Midpoint will help when you are download multiple files, or loading webpages because instead of say having 20 open connections through one modem, you will have 10 on one, and 10 on the other, therefore increasing your speed. It's not just an internet accelerator for one connection.

You have misunderstood how midpoint works. Midpoint will not help out on these speed tests because you are downloading one file, and one file only. Midpoint will help when you are download multiple files, or loading webpages because instead of say having 20 open connections through one modem, you will have 10 on one, and 10 on the other, therefore increasing your speed. It's not just an internet accelerator for one connection.

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