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.........I just got in using a proxy? .s1 what's going on?


I'll get with the server admin and have him check for your IP... It usualy lists a reason as well.

I personaly cannot "ban you from the server" nor can my host even.. Its done automaticly by the server security if hacking or port scanning attempts are detected..  :whaa:

I like IRC chat myself. I didn't care much for the feel of the chat available. If people aren't comfortable they won't use it. I have some irc servers setup with services as well. I'd gladly make them available to the users of this site, and even give the owners of this site some O:lines on them. Any feedback is welcome.  :D

This has been discussed. Alot of folks do not like IRC because of its difficulty to use, and the known security risks.. If you could possibly port the IRC room ~► to a php interface, meaning people can go in via web browser to the same room without the inconveniences of irc, that would be nice. This is commonly done.

I could Setup a Java or CGI:IRC Client for the room if you like? If someone would like to register the room on the server it's irc.friendlybeacon.com. As for the security I run Unrealircd 3.2.3 (current version)  and everyones ip/hostname is masked by md5 encryption if i remember correctly only one who can view the real hostnames of users is people with 0:lines Admin Global Opers ect.

Well its up to you and the members. I personaly setup this current chatroom because people were making posts and threads asking for a chatroom. I had the option, bandwdth and webspace avaliable to set it up, and i did. If people arent pleased with it and/or just want an /IRC/cgi/java room instead, then by all means, set 'er up. But that decision isnt up to me. You'd most likly have to make a poll on it :shrug:

Well its up to you and the members. I personaly setup this current chatroom because people were making posts and threads asking for a chatroom. I had the option, bandwdth and webspace avaliable to set it up, and i did. If people arent pleased with it and/or just want an /IRC/cgi/java room instead, then by all means, set 'er up. But that decision isnt up to me. You'd most likly have to make a poll on it :shrug:

I like this type of chat room. I do not like java chat rooms.

BTW, interesting avatar Dark_Matter  :roll:

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