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Guest helloimtim

WIth the whole gun issue I am forsure torn. Yes we have the right to own guns. But then again we have the right to send our kids to school and them to be safe. I am sure our fore fathers never dreamed that someday our kids will be killing each other for no reason. Personally I dont blame music,games,or movies. I blame the newspapers and tv news. We see so much of this all the time we almost come to except it in a strange way. I would also kinda blame all thoes "time outs" everyone swore was the best way to control our kids. Guess it wasent such a good idea eh? Just my 2 cents.

Hey All: This is partly in response to Budda_ Tree's quote of part of the second amendment about " A well regulated Militia" this is the part gun control advocates always quote.Although all American citizens are part of this militia the draft used in the past & useable in the future is proof of this .If the country decides it needs you you will be drafted into the militia .This is usually males within a certain age range but it does not have to be.

This part does not use miltia in saying who has the right " the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." but people.

So as one of the people I support & exercise this right. Cholla

helloimtim: This is what I think about the children & guns issue.There was a time when parents gave their children proper instruction on the use of guns.This included not only how but when & where to use them.Children even took their guns to school so they could hunt on the way home.Somehow they were taught not to shoot their classmates. So I would have to put the responsibilty on the parents for not giving their children the proper training & respect for guns.

The government control on parents ability to do this as well as in the past is another topic & up to parents to fight for this right.  Cholla

Most American citizens fall distant from the description of a well regulated Militia but I do believe that responsible citizens have the right to protect their homes. I see nothing wrong with gun control. People should be trained to use a gun and children should be trained to respect them at least. My father introduced me to guns at a young age and I learned how to respect them. Supporting & exercising this right is different from using a gun for protection. I find it funny that most people I

peepnklown : This training has apparently kept you from using the gun in a wrong manner.I think the people that defend the second amendment are very aware of the rest of our rights.They just realize that this may be the way we will have to protect them.

Here is a quote for you to research :" The history of firearms is the history of freedom" .

Before this most people were slaves of their King & other so called royals.This is the reason George Washington turned down being made king.

To be refered to as "king" in this country should be an insult not a compliment.The same with "royal" like the Kenedy family has been called many times " America's royal family"  I'm sure you have heard this in the media.It's to bad they don't try to stop this calling it the insult it is.  Cholla

My whole things with guns is this. I own a 12 gauge and a 20 gauge shotgun, a 357, and a 44. I hunt, therefore i have no problems with gun ownership, provided you know how to use it and know how to keep it secure. Assult weapons is the thing i have a problem with, noone hunts deer with an assult weapon. And i have no problem with background checks. Trying to keep weapons out of the hands of those who don't deserve to own them is a good thing.

Guest helloimtim

helloimtim: This is what I think about the children & guns issue.There was a time when parents gave their children proper instruction on the use of guns.This included not only how but when & where to use them.Children even took their guns to school so they could hunt on the way home.Somehow they were taught not to shoot their classmates. So I would have to put the responsibilty on the parents for not giving their children the proper training & respect for guns.

The government control on parents ability to do this as well as in the past is another topic & up to parents to fight for this right.

helloimtim : Guns have always been easy to get they are harder to get now than they were 30 years ago.When I was a kid I could buy my own .22 shells at 8 years old.Way too young some would say but I have never had to shoot anyone.Starting early gave me a respect for guns as well as defending them.

This is going to catch me some flames but the solution for parents that are too busy to raise their children by spending time teaching them is simple.Don't have more children than you have time to raise correctly.If that means none or just 1 thats what it means. Cholla

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