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I called up Verizon today and asked to upgrade from the 1.5/128 to the 3.0/768.  I was told that "at this time your line does not qualify" and on further investigation they told me that I'm too far from the CO.  They did bump my upload to 384 from 128 but I wanted the 3.0 download.  How can they do mass advertising of 3.0 if they can't deliver it?  :angry5:

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Barcino: If you do some research in your location there are sometimes ways to get a closer line to the CO.these may cost you though.There are dedicated lines in some areas ,A data only second line.remote terminals .If none of these are available in your area you may have more than one phone company

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Barcino : I used the DSL reports calculator It said I was 16000 ft from the telco.This was wrong when I called my phone company they said my line is 26400 ft from them.So a good start is to actually call your phone company & see what they say the distance is.If your DSL uses a different line then you need to call the company whose line it is to find out the distance.Then find out which company in your area can connect the shortest DSL capable line to you.If your telco is really right down the street not just their business office then you should definately have a shorter line than 4 miles.From what I have read about DSL somewhere between 16000 & 18000 is the maximum distance.16000 divided by 5280=3.03 miles so you probably couldn't be 4 miles & get DSL .So do some research & find out. Cholla

Thanks php I made the corection in this post

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Barcino : I used the DSL reports calculator It said I was 16000 ft from the telco.This was wrong when I called my phone company they said my line is 26400 ft from them.So a good start is to actually call your phone company & see what they say the distance is.If your DSL uses a different line then you need to call the company whose line it is to find out the distance.Then find out which company in your area can connect the shortest DSL capable line to you.If your telco is really right down the street not just their business office then you should definately have a shorter line than 4 miles.From what I have read about DSL somewhere between 16000 & 18000 is the maximum distance.16000 divided by 5482 =2.9 miles so you probably couldn't be 4 miles & get DSL .So do some research & find out. Cholla

Just a quick comment... There is 5280 feet in a mile, not 5482, so the maximum distance would be between 3.03 and 3.4 miles...

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MSN Maps said I was 4 miles - dslreports.com says that I'm 10,180 feet, so divided by 5280 that leaves me 1.928 miles away.  Haven't called the phone company yet though.  Still, my question remains - how far is too far to get the 3MB download speed?  Thanks for the responses, I'll be checking back with Verizon tomorrow.

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Barcino : I don't know it  depends on what the correct distance is & if Verizon offers 3MB at that distance.If they contract to sell you that speed you should be able to get close to it any way.If they think the distance is to far they won't sell you the service.Someone with DSL may be able to give you a better awnser.If you were really 4 miles I don't think you could get any kind of DSL.  Cholla

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I am 3895 feet away from CO and I also upgraded my speed and I get these speeds::::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 2617 Kbps about 2.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 319 kB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Sat Apr 9 17:35:11 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 47X faster than 56K 1MB download in 3.21 sec

Diagnosis: Looks Great : 4.6 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-D4TOBKCA2

Are they good? :roll:

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