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Did anyother comcast users have major downtime? I know my service went down, and so did a few other friends in my town. But when I called the 1-800 number to find out about it the lines were busy. And I know the call volume from this lil town wouldnt make them that busy. I was just wondering if anyother comcast subscriber experienced this.

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I didn't have downtime, but my service just started trippin' out on me. I called as soon as it happened. The rep told me that there was trouble with the service in my area and that they were working on the problem. I still had a connection, but it was slow in a major way. That was around 10:00pm. Now, at 4:11am, things seem to be back on par.

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National DNS servers went down at about 5:45pm MDT. They started comming back up around 10pm. Connections were still good (maybe a little slow) but Joe User was lost without DNS. Here in Denver we were providing the IP for google so people could get up and running and use the search to find the site they're looking for.

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Report on Cnet http://news.com.com/2061-10785_3-5659518.html?part=rss&tag=5659518&subj=news

I'm just south of Boston, and I didn't have any outages.

I did however notice a few messages in my modem log though.

050407164543 5-Warning D103.0 DHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response

050404124050 3-Critical R02.0 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out

050403122701 5-Warning D103.0 DHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response

050401101742 7-Information B401.0 Authorized

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Report on Cnet http://news.com.com/2061-10785_3-5659518.html?part=rss&tag=5659518&subj=news

I'm just south of Boston, and I didn't have any outages.

I did however notice a few messages in my modem log though.

I get those error messages all the time in my SB5100 here in south Florida. They're nothing to worry about. Someone here or on another forum said they'll go away once Bedrock is fully implemented.

I never even noticed the outtage caused by the Comcast DNS servers going down last night. I've always found their DNS servers slow, so I've pointed my router to off-network DNS servers, which I've never had a problem with. A number of alternative DNS server addresses can be found here: https://testmy.net/topic-4249

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im in chicago

when i got up at about 6:30pm (i was sleeping). went to computer to check email, it wouldn't connect, i tried getting on the internet, some pages would connect fast and some wouldnt even connect. i called comcast, they say internet and email was down and they were checking on it.

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