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new system ideas????

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Guest helloimtim

I am gonna order a new barebones system next week. I found the case and mother board and chip and power supply I want. I will rob from this junk computer my harddrive, monator, keyboad,mouse speakers. My mother board is going and to replace is 150.00 bucks and that still not with agp slot which I want. Yes I know pci e is the next step for video cards. I will ride that agp pony for a few years then slap in a new mother board. My new system barebone will cost a shade over 300.00 bucks. Kinda cashy I guess but upgradeing will not be near as expensive and pain in the butt. Im gonna run a 3 gig mother board with 3 slots for ram. My chip will will be an atholon 3200 or 3.2 if your a intel fan. Case is really nice, transparent sides, blue lights, expansion slots out the ying yang. Even has a cool tem guage in the front and fan in the back and side panel. Ok any ideas on the other stuff I need?? Yes I am going with a new copy of xp on my harddrive after its wiped clean........thanks.....

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Guest helloimtim

Thanks peeps. Did some checking. Found a place for xp pro oem. Cost on that was 110.00. Yea I was real careful and read allot. Made sure it was not not like a dell oem disk. I thought about going pci express. Gonna give that a few years see how it works out. Let them get the bugs worked out first. By then I will just slap another mother board in.

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Personally i would get the 2500 mobile and OC it to 3200 speed. It will OC to that speed at 1.6 vcore which is lower than the stock vcore a 3200 runs, so a stock heatsink is all you need. The price of the 2500 mobile is around 1/2 the price of the 3200 :)

Oh yeah i heard ATI released the x800 series in AGP, haven't checked that out yet though, if true AGP is good for awhile yet..

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I am not sure what the point of have 3 gigs of ram..  It is for a practical app like video editing..  The memory is going to be expensive as hell 1 gig chips..  You could cut your cost by getting 3 512 chips and then putting some more money into the motherboard so that you could get PCI-E or a better processor..  I do believe that the X800 is going to be out later this month..

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