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How it got  on my machine , I dont know. My spysweeper found it, said it eliminated it, but when I reboot, its back. Theres gotta be some exe. that is being missed. Ive tried my Pest Patrol, Spyhunter, Bazooka (which says it detects and removes, but did neither) Spybot. You name it, I have it and use it frequently. Im a lil concerned here. Anyone know anything else? Thx....Rowdee

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Why does comcast suck? Well, I live on Treasure Island , in the middle of the San Fran. bay and about a mon th and a half ago, comcast migrated their main server here. The day they did this, service here and in a lot of the bay area, dropped to nearly dial up speeds, with pings ranging fro 300 to over 1000. They wouldnt even admit they had a problem, but I kept bangimg on the door till I finally got my hands on somone who explained the issue. Didnt change much, still dont have service, but at least I and the rest of the bay area know. What relly sucks is that here, on the island, there are no options. Comcast or dial up. Nice, huh?

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Alright some of the problem could be the fact that Comcast just bought out Adelphia.. meaning that tons of users in that area were just added to thoses servers.. That was back on april 8th.. So give comcast some time to get their speeds back up and you should be happy.. If you want to hit them where it hurts tracert to comcast.net and look for anything over 100ms.. that is the standard for their service..

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Rowdee; You are a newbie here so I'm not going to give you to hard of a time.Did you need help or did you want to start a COMCAST SUCKS topic.Its ok if you do that  just don't waste others time asking for help if you don't need it.Otherwise at least make an attempt to stay on topic.

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Jeez ...dont be so sensitive guys. Obviously there is a problem i need help wit. I believe thats how this thread started. Yes, comcast does suck rite now. But, i do have a problem with 007 spy. I need to find the file thats causing it to restart everytime i boot. If ya wanna help me with that...fine if not...i dont need you bustin my balls....mom...lol.

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Thanks man. Ive actualy seen this page. I tried several of their suggestions, but none worked. I called webroot to get their take. They said to run the sweep in safe mode, which I did and I restarted and ran another sweep and it didnt come back. So...we will see. Thx again. If it comes back, I may just reformat. This is a new build and I hate to do it again, but thats one sure way to beat it.

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Ive tried my Pest Patrol, Spyhunter, Bazooka (which says it detects and removes, but did neither) Spybot. You name it, I have it and use it frequently. I'm a Lil concerned here. Anyone know anything else? THC....Rowdier

if nothing else will work then try using ad aware 6SE. but since you said you used ad aware i don't know because it has always helped me.

hope you get it figured out


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