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A friend of mine upgraded hes Fiber service from 10 to 100 Mbps, he sent me this picture to showoff hehe



Dern i want that speed too, but right now its way to expensive around 85 USD/month and a traficclimit with 300 GB/month.

The only problem he says is to find servers that can handle that speed, but in a p2p program like kazaa or Direct Connect you can download from several users at same time.

VanBuren - a happy camper with 10 Mbps :)

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you are going to have to find some one with an upload speed that is equal to greater to his download speed.... Which in his case is really unlikely..

In Sweden alot of ppl are connected to 10 Mbps fiber, not many on 100Mbps yet but its growing. Like i said before the service is too expensive for most ppl, and alot of ppl dosent need 100 Mbps.

Read more here http://en.bredband.com/en/index.jsp

and here is some statistic

100 Mbps vs 10 Mbps at my ISP





here is the site but hey, its swedish lol good luck :)


The 100 Mbps service is so new the statistic test server cant yet measure more then 25 Mbps accurate.

ps some ppl need to learn how to tweak, cos of their score in that statistic :lol:

VanBuren :twisted:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's not a bittorrent client...It's more like mIRC than anything else...you join sort of a chat room, then do searches(that doesn't interfere with the chat)...everybody HAS to share...and certain channels require a MINIMUM share amount...a lot of them in the TB(terabyte) range...

It's an open source project...to download the latest version here's the link:


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It's not a bittorrent client...It's more like mIRC than anything else...you join sort of a chat room, then do searches(that doesn't interfere with the chat)...everybody HAS to share...and certain channels require a MINIMUM share amount...a lot of them in the TB(terabyte) range...

It's an open source project...to download the latest version here's the link:


Cool one of the links is using Ca3le Guys speed tester.......Good idea why not use the best!!

8) Microwave

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