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looking for someone to point me in the right direction......new guy on the block

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Buzz : I'm not the right person to help you but welcome to the forum.If you can find Van Buren online he's the cablenut expert.A lot of members can help though.I 've read that the DW4000 is better than the DW6000 though.I have dial-up but my ISP doesn't have foreign techs at least not locally.I haven't talked to one person that had the Indian accent yet.

you cant do a thing about latency... as long as you are locked on to the satellite and your signal strength is good, you are doing the best possible...

its a basic law of physics... the signal has to travel about 44,000 miles to NOC and 44,000 miles back, plus whatever the distance to the server is from there...

light can only travel at about 186,000 miles per second in a vaccum, slower in normal air... meaning your absolute best ping possible would be about 473ms in a vaccum to NOC... network congestion slows it down significantly also...

Well from what I have gathered at this point, my speeds are about as good as I can expect....So I will play with the settings one at a time to see if anymore can be squeezed out.....later I will post the best cable nut settings that I can come up with for windows 2000, using the DW6000........Oh and to put aside a wives tail.....I have had directv for 7 years....only once or twice due to weather (Major snow storm) have I lost my signal.....AS FAR AS I CAN TELL THE SAME HOLDS TRUE WITH THE DIRECWAY INTERNET.  I live in Oregon where the springs are wet and rainy.......had a really hard rain storm last night......so I went over to see what would happen to my internet connection......I COULDN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE.......DOWNLOADED JUST ABOUT 1 MEG (128kbs) UPLOADED ABOUT......HUMMM NOT SURE WHAT THE SPEED NUMBERS WHERE BUT I WAS UPLOADING 5-6 KBS......SO IF YOU HAVE A CLEAR SHOT TO YOUR SATELLITE, AND YOUR RUNS ARE NOT LONG......THERE SHOULD NOT BE A LOT OF DIFFERENCE RAIN OR NOT!

Thanks to all in this forum for there continued support and tips


Signal strength down to a point, say 50 and above, really doesn't affect speed. I did the below test on a rainy day with an uncapped business account (expensive) with a new modem. Signal about 65.

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 603 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 74 kB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Sun Apr 17 2005 17:22:44 GMT-0700

Bottom Line:: 11X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 13.84 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 1302.33 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-IEJM38XSA

what can I do to get better packet transfer?? Why is the number of failed transmitions so high?

Transmit Status Transmitter ready. (TxCode 8)

Number of Successful Transmissions 495470

Number of Failed Transmissions 9205

Number of Packets Submitted for Transmission 182202


what can I do to get better packet transfer?? Why is the number of failed transmitions so high?

Transmit Status Transmitter ready. (TxCode 8)

Number of Successful Transmissions 495470

Number of Failed Transmissions 9205

Number of Packets Submitted for Transmission 182202


I just got finished with tech support, they have no reported problems along this line.....at least that's what they told me.....wanted to know if the lights where all lit up on my modem......DUH?!  I am on satellite G4R_1K  970MHZ and I am having packet failures too.

Number of Failed Transmissions 9298.  Tech support said to see if I was on TX8...which I am.....they said call back if this number changes and they would be able to find the problem then......WHERE DID THESE GUYS GET THERE TRAINING?  Anyway is there anything I can do on my end to fix the Failed Transmission problem...or do I have to wait it out until they stumble upon a problem and fix it??

a bit frustrated with the tech support...but it still beats dialup!


Here are my current cable nut settings....any suggestions for my empty fields?  I am running windows 2000 pro, 750 meg memory, outlook 2003  and the standard DWay account w/DW6000 modem.

I hope this is OK what I did was changed the.ccs cablenut extention to .txt so I could attach the cable nut file with my settings.  So to look at the settings download the attached custom_TTL96.txt and change it to custom_TTL96.ccs and open it up with cable nut.  I hope this works and is not breaking any rules.....I am not a hacker with a virus...but you will just have to trust me on this.

anyway I was hoping one of the on-line wizards could let me know of some more optimum setting for my system.

Thanks in advance!


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