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I have FiOS 15/2 and on the miranda site I get 13.5 to 15.5 down consistantly.  On testmy.net I get 9-10 with macafee running and 14-17 without macafee.  I downloaded firefox last nite and with everything runnig is as pulling 15mb.  I'm happy with my test results.

Here's my question.  I went to download a 103mb file last night.  When it started it was at 2000kb but as the time ticks off the speed slows.  by the time I was up to 25mb downloaded it was at a speed of 650kb.  Each time the time remaing changed the speed was decreased.  Is this normal?  I expected some change in speeed but thought it would level off.  Thanks!!

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welcome to the forums SJT,

Yes that is very normal for a download to drop in speed that fast , and that much. i have the adelphia 6mb plan and on testmy.net my true speeds are about 800-900KBPS but when i download form a site, for example nvidia,com it never gores above 600KBPS and thats because they eather limit the bandwidth, or the speed at witch a client can download at. on smaller web sites they can only afford maby a T1 at best so your download is gonna be real slow when compaired to what you get at a site like testmy.net when they have several servers and a very high bandwidth connection. 

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