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Help with PPPoE on Linksys Router (Possible Screaming ONT)

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I have had the FiOS service in Natick, MA for over two weeks now, and while I'm very happy with the speed, I'm quite frustrated with trying to get it to work with my Linksys routers.

I have tried 3 different Linksys routers (BEFSX41, WRT54G, and WRV54G) using near 10 different firmware versions on each (just to make sure I'm not crazy).

the only thing that would cause the screamer is having your comp not set up with a pppoe connection in the network connections and then plugging it directly into the wall

its a flood of upload junk data.

the only wy to really tell if u have a scramer is if your connection is basically either dead completely or shit loads slow ie almost dial up speeds.

you would need to call us and we would need to reboot the ont remotely....or i believe u can go and unplug it that would reboot it as well but just call us and we can do it very easily takes 2 secs.

as of now we dont do DHCP so unfortunalely PPPoE is the only way to have your comp set up if you are bypassing the router and directly pluggin into the wall.

as far as the rest i can find out when i go to work ill ask and see what the thoughts on that is at most the havoc u caused could be solved by a reboot.

so yea. none from me hope that lil blurb helped if it didnt BLAH screw im tired and fuckin hot!

my apologies on my language lol, one of those days. those sticky hot days.


  • 2 weeks later...

the only thing that would cause the screamer is having your comp not set up with a pppoe connection in the network connections and then plugging it directly into the wall

its a flood of upload junk data.

the only wy to really tell if u have a scramer is if your connection is basically either dead completely or sh*t loads slow ie almost dial up speeds.

you would need to call us and we would need to reboot the ont remotely....or i believe u can go and unplug it that would reboot it as well but just call us and we can do it very easily takes 2 secs.

as of now we dont do DHCP so unfortunalely PPPoE is the only way to have your comp set up if you are bypassing the router and directly pluggin into the wall.

as far as the rest i can find out when i go to work ill ask and see what the thoughts on that is at most the havoc u caused could be solved by a reboot.

so yea. none from me hope that lil blurb helped if it didnt BLAH screw im tired and f***in hot!

my apologies on my language lol, one of those days. those sticky hot days.



  I thought the open PPPoE switch made the screaming ONT problem go away.  Is that not the case?  Will the screaming ONT problem go away only with DHCP?  Thanks.


So, after about 20 calls to linksys, we have narrowed it down to being a bug in the WRV54G's firmware.  I think the interfaces are mismapped for PPPoE auth.  When I plug the WAN port into one of the LAN ports, and plug the FiOS connection into one of the other LAN ports, it connects over PPPoE without issue.  I'm sending a network trace to Linksys so they can try to track this down and fix it.

Thanks for the help,


  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Lee,

Actually if I plug the WAN port into one of the LAN ports, and then plug another LAN port into the FiOS connection, it works.  Unfortunately, this doesn't really buy much since the router is essentially useless in this configuration, but it does confirm that there is a bug.



Yea, I've found that success varies greatly with Linksys products.  Some work no problem, some have intermittent connection issues, and some don't work at all.  Let me know how it goes for you.



P.S. - Has any one heard any more about the move from PPPoE to DHCP?  Calling FiOS tech support yesterday, they still have no idea that they are moving to DHCP.

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