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billybob12345 : One suggestion is read everything you can thats already been asked & answered at testmy even look in the archives.

Second type Tweak XP in your search engine(like Google or MSN search) Go to some of those sites just don't do every tweak you find without checking it out by searching about it specifacally.

Heres a few to get you started





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Guest helloimtim

I by no means a "expert" with computers. With all due respect not to many are. Its always a learning experience. Just when you think you have a grasp of allot of it allong comes new software, new hardware, new problems and time to start all over again. While reading allot is a good Idea I suggest this. Pick something you want to understand........do your best to figure it out and look around on the net......use the forums if no luck. I started with xp. I just tried the whole tweaking thing. Goodness knows how many times I reformated to finally find the stuff I wanted to know. One great place to start would be this. Backing up your computer not only to your harddrive but as well back up to disk. If you have all that down pat then take off from there. So if while playing with diffrent ideas and your computer turns  to garbage you can easily restore it. One step at a time. Not to much at one time or you will drive yourself crazy. Hope that helps.........just my 2 cents.......

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Here's a couple others you may find helpful/useful:





http://support.microsoft.com/  (<-- my #1 resource for any MS-related issue)

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Here's a few of my best info sources, can be helpful to all members here  :D :D







http://technet.microsoft.com/default.aspx  <--(more advanced stuff for the true geeks among us)


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