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why does uploading effects my downloading speed

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is fairly normal.....When you upload you are using most of your bandwidth to send packets upstream. Downloading is when you bring packets downstream from a server. Unless you are really lucky or pay a ton of money your download will allways be faster then your upload. It is not susprising that when you are uploading your download speed takes a hit it is just the nature of thing.

swimmer is joining in style I see :) nice to have you in forum

:idea: I think what swimmer ment to say is...

:arrow: When you download you are also uploading requesting packets of info ~~ if you are downloading or vice-verse it is going to effect the other. It's not like you just talk to the server and say "hey, server, I want poop.zip" --- your computer will request poop.zip talk back and fourth to the server comfirming that you are on the other end still requesting the file ~~ this is also how the progress meter works when you download something it actually downloads in packets of information not as a whole

So when you are uploading something and your upload cap is reached your download is being lagged because the request of the packets is being lagged ~~

:Dit's like having a badass delivery service with some fat lazy guy checking in the packages :lol:

you need fiberoptic to get a full duplex connection, your Network card runs in half duplex mode if you got dsl or cable, since i got fiber optic to my house i manual set it to 10 Mbps full in my NIC setup, auto negotiation dosent work 100% for me.

Try forcing it to 10Mbps full and see if your upload affect less then before, if it dosent work use 10 Mbps half.

  • 3 weeks later...
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