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well, thanks to irfanview, i have reached some conclusions about the plane.<br />


<li>It doesnt have a fuel tank or missile on it</li>

<li>Its probably just a paint job to make it seem like it has a missile or something on it</li>

<li>Had they not already messed with the original pic, i might have been able to see what it really was...</li>


EDIT: I thought html was enabled... :?:

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well, thanks to irfanview, i have reached some conclusions about the plane.<br />


<li>It doesnt have a fuel tank or missile on it</li>

<li>Its probably just a paint job to make it seem like it has a missile or something on it</li>

<li>Had they not already messed with the original pic, i might have been able to see what it really was...</li>


EDIT: I thought html was enabled... :?:

yea but you can download the official video from CNN (I did) and many other news orgs and the thing is still there. No photoshop, look at the site longer, they have direct links to CNN video from their server, you can see the lump under the plane and a small explosion right before impact with the building. The same small explosion can be seen right before the first plane hit the trade center in the documentary video. Weird stuff. You can blow up any pic from official footage and see this thing, from all camera angles that recorded it.

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lol are u one of those twilight zone alien abductee x files ppl?

Nope, never balieved a Conspiracy theory in my life, and dodnt this one, but tell me what is on the plane?

Check this out too, the photos the petagon released of the plane hitting the pentagon, the first photo shows the plane with a vapor trail behind it... wait a minute it shows a vapor trail but no plane, wheres the plane. Just some weird stuff. Im just lookng for a good answer to these pics and no one seems to have one.


Plus the pentalawn webpage is hilarious, check it out.


its got some good points and some funny stuff, like the guy looking at the pentagon on the cell phone saying " honey you have got to see this lawn"

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