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My site is updated, also added a FAQ how to tweak, let me know what you think i should add/ change.


I also have new TCP settings so i hope speedtest will work better overseas.

VanBuren :)

ps: This server is not up 24/7, if it dosent start try again some other time. Its usually open from 9:00 to 23:00 swedish time, around 03:00 to 17:00 US time.

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Yelloooow... :shock:


Test results still shown twice

Automatic copy'n'paste not working

Ads by Goooooooooooogle (?)

Speeds are horrible :P

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1005 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 5184 KB)

Download Speed is:: 123 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 18 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 8.33 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=252525

Might be my side tho, sis on msn = bad.

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Yelloooow... :shock:


Test results still shown twice

Automatic copy'n'paste not working

Ads by Goooooooooooogle (?)

Speeds are horrible :P

Might be my side tho, sis on msn = bad.

Tnx for the feedback RTB :)

Testresult show up twice was something new, never heard that before, maby CA3LE has some idea.

Automatic copy and paste works for me, does any one else has this problem?

Adds by Google cos i use CA3LE

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man VanBuren why don't you just slap me in the face... :whaa:

Why don't you use my upload test... it's now more accurate than it's ever been... I finally figured out what was wrong with it I had a self admitted problem with that test FOREVER, but now it's near perfection ~~ re-try mine FOO!

damn toast --- look lemme show you why my speed test is better -- the PROOF!

First an FTP upload shows my connection to be 62.47 KB/s or 511.75 Kbps


2nd Toast Test seems to think my connection is 51.15 KB/s or 419 Kbps


DSLReports (a respectable speed test) shows 60.55 KB/s or 496 Kbps


and good ol testmy.net almost completely nails it on the head at 61 Kbps or 498 Kbps


Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=KSJI9GN3L

Bottom Line :

Toast is off by 92.75 Kbps or 11.32 KB/s !!!! (ouch)

DSLReports is off by 15.75 Kbps or 1.92 KB/s (nice)

TestMy.net is off by 13.75 Kbps or 1.68 KB/s (nice)

No speed test is 100% accurate all the time, but I think I have come very close to perfection (DSL reports has also) -- where would you test?

- Damon

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I dont slap ppl, but soon someone will slap me hehe :lol:

I think i have a much cleaner route to Toast test, its very stable.

But that filesize i used is too small for a accurate result, i tested several times later with a 20 MB test file and i had 3.5 Mbps every time.

I tweaked the AFD buffers that helps alot overseas.

you can read more about those types of tweaks here


Maby those tweaks dosent work good with testmy.net testcore cos it dosent help me much here. Im stuck at 1.5 Mbps up and around 3 Mbps down here.



Last node against testmy.net use to be 145 ms, now it was 169 ms.... it keep on changing for me, but i guess its how bad the load is on your server.

CA3LE I think your uploadtest is great, but i would suggest to add a directlink to a 3 MB test and from that a script that forward you to a 6 MB test if you score higher then 4 Mbps and same thing this time if you score more then 6 Mbps to a 20 MB test.

We have a test in sweden for all ISP, a little program we can download, that test works like i suggested above, it start with small files and goes higher, when i score 9.5 Mbps upstream my testfile is 22 MB.

VanBuren :)

ps i still think testmy.net rules em all :headbang:

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