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you dont have to do that

i had the same problem got to add and remove programs and make sure the show updates box is checked and there should be an option to remove ie 7 beta which will give you back ie6

hope that helps:)

You are a genius. :D Thanks. :)

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Well, I have Installed it again but keep having that issue with the toolbar. Guess I wont be able to test IE7 Beta. :(

I give up trying to install IE 7 i even installed SP2 just for that' but even if i can use  the windows updates website and dowload anything i want there are still certain products that won't let you install if you have a pirated copy of XP...... oh well  ii'll just keep IE 6 nad get rid of SP2 since it mesed up my mouse already' its very sluggish cause it doesn't move as i move it' it has a mind of its own!!

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Ok so I have a  Genuine Windows product key but this Computer store "PC Expo" (now closed) installed Windows XP on my machine  and said I wouldent need a cd! so just incase II gave them my CD with product key and all and told them to install it....havne't had a problem with it intill this  Genuine key check thing...now I cant do anything becuase I get some error like "Your a victim of piracy" so should I just call microsoft and tell em I got a WinXP  Genuine Productkey and will they send me a  Genuine winxp cd?? or what cuase this is pretty gay I just got it with IE7 too =

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If you have a reciept then yes call microsoft up. If you have no proof that you paid for it then dont bother. I can help you get IE7 to work and updates without calling microsoft. If you need or want my help just email me or send messege on this site to me with ur email and ill send u what uneed!

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Okay my family and I went to BestBuy Convention and Microsoft gave all the Presedents, VPs, all Windows XP Professional Corproate Edition, I gave the computer company (whom fixed my PC) the CD and the Product key...they decide to install their own windows xp (now this was 2 years ago) and now...this guenuin check thing comes in and I cant get MS STUFF ANYMORE! and if you were wondering about weres the cd at? while the cd was misplaced.  :roll:

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Also I noticed after I installed IE7 I couldnt upgrade windows anymore at microsoft update site. Even with shuting off the product key check, the green search bar that moves when searching for updates doesnt stop moving and no updates are available. So I unistalled IE& back to IE6 and updateing worked again. SO anotherwards I can get IE7 to work but I think the beta prevents you to be able to update. Thats one of its screw ups they need to take out on final version.

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Okay my family and I went to BestBuy Convention and Microsoft gave all the Presedents, VPs, all Windows XP Professional Corproate Edition, I gave the computer company (whom fixed my PC) the CD and the Product key...they decide to install their own windows xp (now this was 2 years ago) and now...this guenuin check thing comes in and I cant get MS STUFF ANYMORE! and if you were wondering about weres the cd at? while the cd was misplaced.  :roll:

Do you still have your product key? the original one? Or did the shop that put your windows in rob your key? In your case i would call microsoft to get this resolved. But if you want a quick fix like I told you I can get it to work but IE7 screws up updating.

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Ya I have my Origianl product key and im just wondering if they'll kindly give me a WinXP Pro to format my hard drive...since this is a pirated verision of windows xp i take it.. :cry:

The cd doesnt matter!!!!!!!! Its the product key you have!!! Keep that cd its fine u need a new product key thats it.

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I have my product key,

I do NOT have a  Windows XP Professional CD

So they would send me a WinXP CD you think?

If you dont have a cd then download one its legal if you own your own key. But im telling you now, your key is NO GOOD!!!!! youll be waisting ur time reinstalling windows.

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I dont know how to change my CD Key though....heh  :?

and i can dl a xp off microsofts website?

I have an ftp site. I can let you download it off me and help you install ur key but hurry and messege me. You can use AIM or yahoo messenger. My screen name for both is chais82. Or messege me on here. it be easier if u used aim or yahoo though.

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