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2.4Ghz devices can affect your speed but ,Radio interference (2.4Ghz phones, etc) shouldn't have an effect on MTU.

It has to do with your connection type.

"Q: MTU: How high can/should mine be? (#652)

A: MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) will vary with connection type. Cable and non-PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol Over Ethernet), can use up to 1500.

PPPoE connections (WinPoet, RASPPPOE, Enternet, etc.), can only use up to 1492. However, WinPoet and Enternet MTU must be set by hand in the registry. Others may use DRTCP to set MTU."

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yeah...well all the phones are unplugged now.

i found out using linksys's knowledgebase that my MTU should be 1494.

i haven't changed anything in my registry, but i did download DRTCP and i'm going to change that.

so after doing that, if i still have problems, i'll post in the make it faster forum...thanks very much  :D

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I posted in this thread about some problems I had with optonline being only 19%: https://testmy.net/forum/t-6920'>https://testmy.net/forum/t-6920

I was at 19%...I changed my MTU to 1494 on my router (followed the instructions in a linksys knowledgebase article about how to determine the optimal MTU), downloaded DRTCP, and changed the MTU on my computer as well.

After doing that, I am now at 26.5% of optonline's average.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1701 Kbps about 1.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 208 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Tue Aug 2 21:59:55 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 30X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.92 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 26.5 % of your hosts average (optonline.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-IJLYRWFNM

1. I am using Windows XP Professional.

2. I am using optimum online and the advertised speed for download is "up to 10,000 kbps" and I could not find an advertised upload speed.

3. I have never used any kind of tweak program.  But here are the results from the broadband reports thing: http://ttester.broadbandreports.com/tweak/block:d9f45e?service=cable&speed=9999&os=winXP&via=normal

4. Results of speed are posted up there for testmy.net, but here are the nitro.usc results:

Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Done

running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 776.23Kb/s

running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 1.16Mb/s

Your PC is connected to a Cable/DSL modem

Information: The receive buffer should be 43.98 Kbytes to maximize throughput

5. No protocols

6. Nothing is checked

7. I am using a wireless linksys router, all the network adapters are connected via USB...there are no computers wired directly into the router.

8. I did power cycle it.

9. I run ad-aware and microsoft's regularly.

10. Not using Zonealarm.

11. I'm using Windows Firewall...I do have a McAfee thing installed, but not the firewall...just for virus protection.

12. Scanned for viruses, don't have any.

13. Have all of the latest windows updates.

14. I ran CCleaner.

15. I looked at VanBuren's cablenut thing, but didn't know what to do, and was scared to change anything or do anything withour knowing what I'm doing.

Just a quick recap of my setup: I have a split-level house, downstairs is the cable modem (motorola surfboard) and a linksys wireless router right next to it.  Upstairs are two desktop computers, both with usb wireless network adapters.  Both are running Windows XP Professional.

I had 5.8 ghz phones, but they're all unplugged.  I do have two old 900 mhz phones, and could install them...but really, I only need my one corded phone setup for now.

So...what else can I do to improve the speed?  I don't know anything about RWIN and haven't changed any settings.  Seems like I need to know the advertised speed to calculate the correct RWIN?  I spoke to optonline over the livechat and they said 10,000 kbps as the advertised download speed?  Is that even possible?

thanks very much  :D

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I normally dont do this.. but give me a bit and lets see if we cant get you back up and running where you should be..

If anyone has seen vanburen please pm or IM me.. i would like him to look over this set up..

Alright... lets give this a shot.. download this program.. http://www.majorgeeks.com/TCP_Optimizer_d2104.html

On the slide bar on the top set it to 10000.. then click optimal setting on the bottom.. reboot.. power cycle modem and router.. then lets see what happens..Make sure you write down your current settings so that if it doesnt work you can return to what it is running at now...

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ok one question...should my MTU be 1500 or 1494 (1494 is what i figured it out that it should be by using a linksys knowledgebase article...basically i pinged google with some settings and they said to keep readjusting until i got a fragmented packet...anyway i ended up with 1494).

so which should i do in that screenshot you gave me?  the router is set to 1494 currently.

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Per chance did you used to have DSL on that system?

I have never setup OOL but I'm sure it is cable and it seems like your MSS: should be set to 1460 and your MTU should be set to 1500.

Check your router and make sure it is "NOT" set to pppoe and set the MTU to 1500.

The reason I asked if you had DSL is if you did, make sure that the program that ran it on your PC is completly uninstalled because it may be setting your MSS to 1454.

Also I noticed on another post that you ran a tweak test at broadbandreports and your RWIN should be set way higher than it is.

I hope this all makes sense to you the way I'm wording it. ;)

Let us know what you find out........

EDIT: Also if you change the router settings, make sure you power cycle everything.

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I agree also, but if you look at his tweak test at brodbandreports his MSS is set to 1454 and it should be set to 1460 , so what I think might be happening is he may have the router set to pppoe and it shouldn't be, and he would want to change the MTU to 1500.

Also his RWIN is way low for the download speed he is shooting for.

He has more than 1 thread going on this, so I replied to his other post before seeing this one

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myriagon...saw your reply in the other thread...i was under the impression i should keep it here cuz they moved my post to optonline, when it was originally in make me faster....



Per chance did you used to have DSL on that system?

I have never setup OOL but I'm sure it is cable and it seems like your MSS: should be set to 1460 and your MTU should be set to 1500.

Check your router and make sure it is "NOT" set to pppoe and set the MTU to 1500.

The reason I asked if you had DSL is if you did, make sure that the program that ran it on your PC is completly uninstalled because it may be setting your MSS to 1454.

Also I noticed on another post that you ran a tweak test at broadbandreports and your RWIN should be set way higher than it is.

I hope this all makes sense to you the way I'm wording it.

Let us know what you find out........

EDIT: Also if you change the router settings, make sure you power cycle everything.

no i never had dsl.

i am not sure if i'm on PPoE...i couldn't find that when i connected to my router. PPTP Pass through is enabled, if that means anything?

basic rates is set to 1-2 Mbps...dunno what that is.

i could look something up in my router config if that would help...but there was nothing in the router's config thing that said anything about PPoE

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Normal settings ?

I don't know what you changed it to or back to.

You should set router so it's not on pppoe and set the MTU to 1500 then power cycle PC/MODEM/ROUTER.

Then see how it works.

EDIT: Sorry DJ I posted after you...


No need to apologize,you did nothing wrong :D

Were all helping and thats what counts ;)

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yeah...i did use DRTCP to undo the MTU change i made and now it's back to 1494.

Do you think I should try that cablenut program?  That was the only thing I didn't do in the list of things to try?

If I was being capped...would I still be able to do speeds much better than I'm doing now?

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Lets try to get this all on one page .......LOL

First go to the router settings and I would disable the PPTP setting, double check to see if there is a setting for pppoe if there is turn that off, and set the MTU to 1500 if there is a save , save it and leave the router.

Then go to DrTcp and set all the settings like below save and exit.

After that shutdown PC and unplug modem and router for about a Min. then start Modem first and let it completly start up then the same with router and last start PC.

See how that works and get back with us, one of us will get you going.

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ok thanks, i will do that :)

while i'm in the router config, should i change anything else besides PPTP:

Block WAN Request:      Enable

Multicast Pass Through:      Enable

IPSec Pass Through:      Enable

PPTP Pass Through:      Enable 

Remote Management:      Disable 

Remote Upgrade:      Disable 

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Looks like just the PPTP....

That may not be a problem but I know when a system is using VPN it can change the MSS so we can try that disabled and see what happens.

Someone else had a problem similar to this once and they found that they had a program installed that they had forgot about for some sort of VPN and when they uninstalled it it took care of the problem of it automatically setting the MTU back to 1492, so you might want to check ADD Remove programs just to see if something like that might be there.

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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 2965 Kbps about 3 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 362 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Wed Aug 3 01:41:45 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 53X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.83 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 46.2 % of your hosts average (optonline.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KI735NAD0

how did it get so fast????????????  I just went up over 100 kB/s!!!  :haha: :haha: :haha:  :D :D :D

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