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I have apache but my windows is xp home witch does not support asp but there was something I saw called apache asp at this link http://www.apache-asp.com/ but I don't know how to use it. Also I heard of asp.net and I think I have it but stilll my server wont support aps cna you help.

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Am I mistaken, or is ASP pretty much just a Microsoft thing?

I'm sure that since Apache is open source, there is something ASP out there. Probably a directive that is already built in, knowing the versatility of Apache. Read your httpd.conf file "if you have a stock install on winblows: c:program filesapacheapache (version #)confhttpd.conf I believe. Good luck.

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I wasn't aware that XP home doesn't support ASP for the PWS. If you are seriously trying to host some website from your computer, please please don't run it on XP home. :D. Get yourself an old P.O.S. box and load it with 2000 server and research server hardening.

If you are developing a website on your home computer and then you are going to move it to a production site...I'd recommend a better OS than XP home.

I know that's not especially helpful, but the PWS (personal webserver) in 2000 Professional/XP Pro/XP Home...and 98 for that matter, is pretty much garbage.

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