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When I got the multiplayer demo back in May, it worked fine. The online play sucked bad though. I'm not talking about lag. It was one of the worst examples of a run/gun/tactical shooter I've seen in a long time. Terrible model animation & ragdoll effects (if any at all), half-ass weapons, ugly interface, etc. Forget about a solid online game with this one. Just a bunch of guys running around, jumping, and going crazy. I can't describe how bad it was.

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Swat 4.. U like that ? I havent played the new one. but have played some of the older ones in the past...

Oh yeah man. SWAT 4 is a killer. The graphics are beautiful, and the gameplay is sweet. It's very realistic like Raven Shield (30 bullets and a rocket launcher isn't needed to kill your opponent).

It can also be modded, so expect plenty of maps soon. The mod community will have a blast with this one.

Before the patch (version 1.0), hackers were heavily present. Now, with version 1.1, the game is enjoyable very much so. You be so impressed overall with the graphics & playability that you will find yourself or lots of others getting killed just to take in the scenery. :)

Give it a try. :)

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