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WEB100 Kernel Variables:

Client: localhost/

AckPktsIn: 2328

AckPktsOut: 0

BytesRetrans: 0

CongAvoid: 0

CongestionOverCount: 0

CongestionSignals: 0

CountRTT: 2328

CurCwnd: 49680

CurMSS: 1380

CurRTO: 280

CurRwinRcvd: 49640

CurRwinSent: 5840

CurSsthresh: 2147483647

DSACKDups: 0

DataBytesIn: 0

DataBytesOut: 6237600

DataPktsIn: 0

DataPktsOut: 4520

DupAcksIn: 0

ECNEnabled: 0

FastRetran: 0

MaxCwnd: 49680

MaxMSS: 1380

MaxRTO: 280

MaxRTT: 90

MaxRwinRcvd: 49640

MaxRwinSent: 5840

MaxSsthresh: 0

MinMSS: 1380

MinRTO: 240

MinRTT: 40

MinRwinRcvd: 49640

MinRwinSent: 5840

NagleEnabled: 1

OtherReductions: 0

PktsIn: 2328

PktsOut: 4520

PktsRetrans: 0

X_Rcvbuf: 107520

RcvWinScale: 2147483647

SACKEnabled: 3

SACKsRcvd: 0

SendStall: 0

SlowStart: 34

SampleRTT: 80

SmoothedRTT: 80

X_Sndbuf: 107520

SndWinScale: 2147483647

SndLimTimeRwin: 9652667

SndLimTimeCwnd: 371154

SndLimTimeSender: 48907

SndLimTransRwin: 1

SndLimTransCwnd: 1

SndLimTransSender: 1

SndLimBytesRwin: 6098220

SndLimBytesCwnd: 139380

SndLimBytesSender: 0

SubsequentTimeouts: 0

SumRTT: 178880

Timeouts: 0

TimestampsEnabled: 0

WinScaleRcvd: 2147483647

WinScaleSent: 2147483647

DupAcksOut: 0

StartTimeUsec: 146786

Duration: 10073332

c2sData: 2

c2sAck: 2

s2cData: 3

s2cAck: 3

half_duplex: 1

link: 10

congestion: 0

bad_cable: 0

mismatch: 0

spd: 0.00

bw: 137.02

loss: 0.000001000

avgrtt: 76.84

waitsec: 0.00

timesec: 10.00

order: 0.0000

rwintime: 0.9583

sendtime: 0.0049

cwndtime: 0.0368

rwin: 0.3787

swin: 0.8203

cwin: 0.3790

rttsec: 0.076838

Sndbuf: 107520

aspd: 7.91610

Checking for mismatch on uplink

(speed > 50 [0>50], (xmitspeed < 5) [0.71<5]

(rwintime > .9) [0.95>.9], (loss < .01) [1.0E<.01]

Checking for excessive errors condition

(loss/sec > .15) [1.0E>.15], (cwndtime > .6) [0.03>.6],

(loss < .01) [1.0E<.01], (MaxSsthresh > 0) [0>0]

Checking for 10 Mbps link

(speed < 9.5) [0<9.5], (speed > 3.0) [0>3.0]

(xmitspeed < 9.5) [0.71<9.5] (loss < .01) [1.0E<.01], (mylink > 0) [3.0>0]

Checking for Wireless link

(sendtime = 0) [0.00=0], (speed < 5) [0<5]

(Estimate > 50 [137.02>50], (Rwintime > 90) [0.95>.90]

(RwinTrans/CwndTrans = 1) [1/1=1], (mylink > 0) [3.0>0]

Checking for DSL/Cable Modem link

(speed < 2) [0<2], (SndLimTransSender = 0) [1=0]

(SendTime = 0) [0.0049=0], (mylink > 0) [3.0>0]

Checking for half-duplex condition

(rwintime > .95) [0.95>.95], (RwinTrans/sec > 30) [0.1>30],

(SenderTrans/sec > 30) [0.1>30], OR (mylink <= 10) [3.0<=10]

Checking for congestion

(cwndtime > .02) [0.03>.02], (mismatch = 0) [0=0]

(MaxSsthresh > 0) [0>0]

estimate = 137.02 based on packet size = 10Kbits, RTT = 76.84msec, and loss = 1.0E-6

The theoretical network limit is 137.02 Mbps

The NDT server has a 105.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 10.67 Mbps

Your PC/Workstation has a 48.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 4.92 Mbps

The network based flow control limits the throughput to 4.93 Mbps

Client Data reports link is 'T1', Client Acks report link is 'T1'

Server Data reports link is 'Ethernet', Server Acks report link is 'Ethernet'

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The details of a WEB100 test ;)

as for what it means... do you have something in particular you want to know?  there's a lot to explain there...

nothing specific but just if i can some tweak anything else or see if there is something else wrong that i didnt know. line performance and what it should be.  thanks

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It's just a test , like a speed test but when you are done with it you can click more information and it gives you a report about your connection.

I have found that a lot of it is inaccurate depending on the network congestion, the actual download speed test seems allright but the upload part can be manipulated by your send window settings.

As far as all the info it gives I can understand some of it, but not all, too much info for me ...lol

Here is an example of the test, when done click more info....... http://speedtest.umnet.umich.edu:7123/

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WEB100 Kernel Variables:

Client: localhost/

AckPktsIn: 2328

AckPktsOut: 0

BytesRetrans: 0

CongAvoid: 0

CongestionOverCount: 0

CongestionSignals: 0

CountRTT: 2328

CurCwnd: 49680

CurMSS: 1380

CurRTO: 280

CurRwinRcvd: 49640

CurRwinSent: 5840

CurSsthresh: 2147483647

DSACKDups: 0

DataBytesIn: 0

DataBytesOut: 6237600

DataPktsIn: 0

DataPktsOut: 4520

DupAcksIn: 0

ECNEnabled: 0

FastRetran: 0

MaxCwnd: 49680

MaxMSS: 1380

MaxRTO: 280

MaxRTT: 90

MaxRwinRcvd: 49640

MaxRwinSent: 5840

MaxSsthresh: 0

MinMSS: 1380

MinRTO: 240

MinRTT: 40

MinRwinRcvd: 49640

MinRwinSent: 5840

NagleEnabled: 1

OtherReductions: 0

PktsIn: 2328

PktsOut: 4520

PktsRetrans: 0

X_Rcvbuf: 107520

RcvWinScale: 2147483647

SACKEnabled: 3

SACKsRcvd: 0

SendStall: 0

SlowStart: 34

SampleRTT: 80

SmoothedRTT: 80

X_Sndbuf: 107520

SndWinScale: 2147483647

SndLimTimeRwin: 9652667

SndLimTimeCwnd: 371154

SndLimTimeSender: 48907

SndLimTransRwin: 1

SndLimTransCwnd: 1

SndLimTransSender: 1

SndLimBytesRwin: 6098220

SndLimBytesCwnd: 139380

SndLimBytesSender: 0

SubsequentTimeouts: 0

SumRTT: 178880

Timeouts: 0

TimestampsEnabled: 0

WinScaleRcvd: 2147483647

WinScaleSent: 2147483647

DupAcksOut: 0

StartTimeUsec: 146786

Duration: 10073332

c2sData: 2

c2sAck: 2

s2cData: 3

s2cAck: 3

half_duplex: 1

link: 10

congestion: 0

bad_cable: 0

mismatch: 0

spd: 0.00

bw: 137.02

loss: 0.000001000

avgrtt: 76.84

waitsec: 0.00

timesec: 10.00

order: 0.0000

rwintime: 0.9583

sendtime: 0.0049

cwndtime: 0.0368

rwin: 0.3787

swin: 0.8203

cwin: 0.3790

rttsec: 0.076838

Sndbuf: 107520

aspd: 7.91610

Checking for mismatch on uplink

(speed > 50 [0>50], (xmitspeed < 5) [0.71<5]

(rwintime > .9) [0.95>.9], (loss < .01) [1.0E<.01]

Checking for excessive errors condition

(loss/sec > .15) [1.0E>.15], (cwndtime > .6) [0.03>.6],

(loss < .01) [1.0E<.01], (MaxSsthresh > 0) [0>0]

Checking for 10 Mbps link

(speed < 9.5) [0<9.5], (speed > 3.0) [0>3.0]

(xmitspeed < 9.5) [0.71<9.5] (loss < .01) [1.0E<.01], (mylink > 0) [3.0>0]

Checking for Wireless link

(sendtime = 0) [0.00=0], (speed < 5) [0<5]

(Estimate > 50 [137.02>50], (Rwintime > 90) [0.95>.90]

(RwinTrans/CwndTrans = 1) [1/1=1], (mylink > 0) [3.0>0]

Checking for DSL/Cable Modem link

(speed < 2) [0<2], (SndLimTransSender = 0) [1=0]

(SendTime = 0) [0.0049=0], (mylink > 0) [3.0>0]

Checking for half-duplex condition

(rwintime > .95) [0.95>.95], (RwinTrans/sec > 30) [0.1>30],

(SenderTrans/sec > 30) [0.1>30], OR (mylink <= 10) [3.0<=10]

Checking for congestion

(cwndtime > .02) [0.03>.02], (mismatch = 0) [0=0]

(MaxSsthresh > 0) [0>0]

estimate = 137.02 based on packet size = 10Kbits, RTT = 76.84msec, and loss = 1.0E-6

The theoretical network limit is 137.02 Mbps

The NDT server has a 105.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 10.67 Mbps

Your PC/Workstation has a 48.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 4.92 Mbps

The network based flow control limits the throughput to 4.93 Mbps

Client Data reports link is 'T1', Client Acks report link is 'T1'

Server Data reports link is 'Ethernet', Server Acks report link is 'Ethernet'

The entries marked in red are the ones I use to determine if I have a connection/speed issue.  I run this from a couple of different servers due to problem areas between my machine and the individual host of the ndt system.  Your numbers, to me, look fine in the areas I've marked red..  Van Buren is the expert on scaling and he may have suggestions there.  What were your speed results and who is your provider and what are your  max up/download speeds for the package are you currently on?

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my max speeds are 768 up and 6000 down and i get about 5100 down and 675 up average.  my provider is speakeasy.net and this is a adsl (radsl i think) line. 

also Your PC/Workstation has a 48.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 4.92 Mbps. The network based flow control limits the throughput to 4.93 Mbps

My cable nut settings

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my max speeds are 768 up and 6000 down and i get about 5100 down and 675 up average.  my provider is speakeasy.net and this is a adsl (radsl i think) line. 

also Your PC/Workstation has a 48.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 4.92 Mbps. The network based flow control limits the throughput to 4.93 Mbps  cant set the buffer higher of i get packet loss

My cable nut settings

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:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 674 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 82 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Thu Aug 25 2005 17:07:28 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Bottom Line:: 12X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 12.49 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 20.36 % faster than the average for host (speakeasy.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-HPS8YCIAN

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 5142 Kbps about 5.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 628 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Thu Aug 25 2005 17:08:19 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Bottom Line:: 92X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.63 sec

Diagnosis: Looks Great : 6.44 % faster than the average for host (speakeasy.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BOW4PULVI

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:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 674 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 82 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Thu Aug 25 2005 17:07:28 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Bottom Line:: 12X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 12.49 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 20.36 % faster than the average for host (speakeasy.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-HPS8YCIAN

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 5142 Kbps about 5.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 628 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Thu Aug 25 2005 17:08:19 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Bottom Line:: 92X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.63 sec

Diagnosis: Looks Great : 6.44 % faster than the average for host (speakeasy.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BOW4PULVI

Your speeds look good.  I don't do much tweaking help, but Van Buren or someone else should be able to help you!  :)

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